Revolution Health & Wellness

Podcast 13 – Acne & Hormones

Podcast 13 - Acne & Hormones

Acne and Hormones


Dr. Chad: This is Dr. Chad Edwards and you’re listening to podcast number 13, of against the grain podcast.

Brian: Sponsored by Revolution Health and Wellness Clinic. Are you tired and fatigued? Are you frustrated with doctors because they don’t listen? Do you want to fix your pain without surgery?  If you answered yes to any of these questions then we are the clinic for you. We offer Tulsa prolotherapy P.R.P. and stem cell nutritional Therapies, B.H.R.T and functional medicine to get you back on track to optimal health. Call, 9189353636 or visit to schedule an appointment today.

Automated Voice: Welcome to against the grain podcast with Dr. Chad Edwards. Where he challenges the status quo when it comes to medicine. We get into hot topics in the medical field with real stories from real patients to help you on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Get ready because we’re about to go against the grain.

Brian: This is Brian Wilkes here with the Dr. Chad Edwards author of Revolutionize Your Health With Customized Supplements and you are board certified in family medicine by the American Board of Family Medicine. Pretty impressive Chad. I’ve never asked you about your book. Tell me a little bit about it. Tulsa prolotherapy

Dr. Chad: Yes. What I was noticing, a lot of patients were on supplements but they were on some really poor quality supplements. And then some people were on supplements they didn’t need and some people were on supplements that they shouldn’t be taking and some people were not on supplements that they really should be taking based on interactions with medications, statins–really common medication that a lot of people are on. What a lot of people don’t know is that if you’re on a statin, you absolutely have to be on CO-Q10. A lot of people don’t know that. What I do is just kind of cover the basics of poor supplement quality versus good supplement quality. High quality supplements or pharmaceutical grade supplements and why we need take certain supplements and how to get all of them customized for each patient. Tulsa prolotherapy

Brian: Right. Yes last night I watched Frontline. It’s a late night T.V. watching–Apple T.V. It’s opened up a whole new world for me. I discovered the series Frontline on P.B.S. They had a whole show about supplementation in America. How it’s not regulated by the F.D.A. and they’ve tested various supplements and half of them don’t have what they say they have in them. It’s very interesting. We should have a whole show on it. Tulsa prolotherapy

Dr. Chad: We will. We absolutely will. I cover that with some pretty good detail in the book.

Brian: Today’s a pretty awesome show right? Because we have an awesome guess. You want to introduce your guest?

Dr. Chad: Yes. This is Sue Gaskell. She is probably the most knowledgeable on skincare in general, plus the skincare products that she represents. So she works for is clinical by innovative skin care. They are a pharmaceutical quality skincare line. The reason that — I’m not a really and aesthetics guy and I’m not a-

Brian: It’s a big surprise. Yes.

Dr. Chad: It’s a good thing it’s a radio show.


Dr. Chad: That’s not really my thing, but I was deployed in a military thing and Sue came in and had a relationship with my clinic. We had brought in the supplements that she carries. I walk in and I’m talking about the quality of stuff and I was like, “But it’s skin, I don’t care about skin.” She says, “Okay, here’s something that I want you to try.”  One of the things that she gave me was the stuff for your eyes. This was the Youth Eye Complexes is what it was called. I’m like, “But I look like I’m 20, I don’t need this stuff.”  She gives me this stuff then she said, “Just take it and put it under one eye, just a little couple of dabs, under your eye and — just under one eye and then come back in here.” I did that. I went to the bathroom. I put this stuff under one eye and then when I went in there I was like, “Wow, maybe I don’t look 20.” Tulsa prolotherapy

Anyway. Put that stuff in and then I came in and sat down. About 15 minutes later, the nurse practitioner that I had working for me the time walked in and she looked up and she said, “What did you do to your eye?” I put the stuff under my right eye-

Brian: That was enough for you.

Dr. Chad: She was talking about my left eye. You could literally see.

Brian: In other words she was saying how bad the left one was.

Dr. Chad: Exactly. She could literally notice the difference across the room in 15 minutes. The difference in the appearance. It was being absolutely amazing and so she instantly had me hooked because that made a tremendous difference. Then the other stuff that she gave me was just absolutely amazing. I actually started caring a little bit about my skin. The skin people will tell you that what goes on the outside–what’s going on with your skin, is also going on in the inside. Tulsa prolotherapy

Brian: Interesting stuff. Sue welcome to the show.

Sue: Thank you. Glad to be here.

Brian: Yes. I’ve seen you on some other shows. Right?

Sue: I have been on T.V. once or twice.

Brian: You should know that we have a pretty, fancy research department here. Have you heard of Google?


Sue: I have heard of Google once or twice.

Brian: We use it here pretty — we’re pretty good at it so I Googled you.

Sue: Good.

Brian: Learned a lot of good stuff. Tell us about yourself. I know Chad’s very complimentary of you. You have a long career in the skin industry. Right?

Sue: I do. I actually have been in the medical industry for my whole life. I have been in the skin industry for the last nine years, so long time.

Brian: So, Chad, there’s a lot of dynamics to the skin I assume right?

Dr. Chad: Absolutely and we’ll have multiple different podcasts about skin related stuff in the future because it’s a big concern for a lot of people. When it comes to skin care there’s really good stuff. Just like in my book, there’s really good stuff and then there’s really bad stuff. People are wasting a lot of money thinking that they’re getting really good quality skin care stuff. In my clinic like what we heard in the ad at the beginning, we do bio identical hormones therapy because we see a lot of men and women with hormone issues. With women, one of the biggest complaints that we’ll see once we get their hormones regulated is that they start gettinga bunch of acne because of various hormones and specifically testosterone.

They will develop some acne and it’s a really common complaint they’ll come in and they’ll say, “I started this testosterone, I feel much better, everything is going great but I had this acne.” I don’t know anybody better to talk about this than Sue. Tell us, talk to us, help us out.

Sue: One of the things that happens and it happens with young people also when your hormones start to fluctuate or when you induce extra hormones into your system then your skin reacts to those hormone levels. With bio identical hormones, they make women feel 100% better but as Chad said, they then break out because of the higher testosterone levels in their skin.Unfortunately, when you’re 50 and all of a sudden you have a lot of testosterone in your body the breakouts are not coming and going like they might have when you are young. They come and they stay for a long period of time. What’s great about one of our products especially when it comes to those issues is that it is amazing in its ability to clear that up and clear it up in a short time. We have a product called active serum.

Active serum has many, many uses because all of our products are multitasking. When it comes to the breakouts that come with hormone fluctuations, it actually is going to deep clean your pores in your hair follicles. It’s going to help turn over the dead skin cells and when all of that happens then your acne clears up because all of it can get it up and out. With a woman normally in her 50’s who’s now got hormones in her system and she breaks out without active serum she could expect that breakout to last three to four weeks. With active serum three to four days maybe.

Brian:Tell me about pro-active. My wife has used Pro-active. I’ve heard several women–It’s not like I talk to women a lot about pro-active but I’ve heard several women discuss, “I’ve used this for months now and there’s been no improvement.”

Sue: Well there’s a lot of issues with various skin care products including that one. With that one particularly even if you are using it for the right reasons your body becomes accustomed to benzoyl peroxide which is its major ingredient. Once your skin becomes accustomed to the benzoyl peroxide it quits working for everyone. It’s just a matter of fact for everyone. That’s a pretty well-known scientific fact. On the other hand, the other things that people put on their skin to help with acne, a lot of them are cosmetic grade. There’s a huge difference between pharmaceutical grade and cosmetic grade. Cosmetic grade ingredients, though they may be exactly the same ingredients as in our products, they’re too large of a molecular size to actually get through the skin to the side of action where they can make a change.

They sit on the surface of your skin and they may make the dead skin cell layer look a little bit better but physically they can’t get to the side of action where they can make a change in the health of your skin and resolve your issue. We’re formulated with pharmaceutical grade ingredients. Pharmaceutical grade ingredients have a number of differences. There a lower molecular weight, which means that they’re smaller they can get there. They’re much, much purer, they’re more potent. The combination of those specifics, lets them get to the side of action and do what they’re meant to do in a good form without causing any harm. With this active serum we’re talking about, a lot of people talk to me about having issues with some of the ingredients that are in active serum specifically we use pharmaceutical grade botanicals. Our source of glycolic acid is from sugar cane.

And in our source of solace. Glycolic acid is from white willow bark. Lots of people will tell you that they have issues with glycolic acid or sol acidic acid, but in reality what their problem is with the synthetic version of it. We use a botanical version of it came from a plant. Almost no one ever has an issue with the plant source because plants are in nature more closely associated to us who are also from nature. Then you don’t see the same side effects and adverse reactions that you see out of the synthetic which are the same ingredient.

Brian: What are the side effects to the synthetic ingredients?

Sue: A lot of people including myself could end up with contact dermatitis or rashes.

Brian: Some pretty nasty stuff. It’s perpetual too right?

Sue: Yes it is. If you keep using it it’ll stay.

Brian: Yes. It’s pretty amazing.

Dr. Chad: You threw out some pretty big words there. The cosmetic grade, the pharmaceutical grade and then these kinds of things. Basically you’re talking about, with the quality of the ingredients like — take any one of this ingredients. Basically talking about like a car in my analogy. Bear with me. You’ve got little bitty cars and then you’ve got dump trucks. What we’re talking about on both of them are on wheels and they both go from point A to Point B and they’ll get you there, those kinds of things. But I’m not going to park a dump truck in my driveway and drive to work every day in a dump truck. They’re both motorized vehicles on wheels. You’re talking about the differences is a kin to that. The difference between cosmetic grade and pharmaceutical grade.

Sue: Well let’s use that same analogy and think about that same dump truck and it’s parked in front of your garage. Now all of a sudden you want to park your dump truck in your garage. How are you going to get your dump truck in your garage because physically it’s too large a particle to get where you want it to go.

Dr. Chad: Exactly and so then even though it’s on wheels and all those things. It can’t get in there.

Sue: That’s right.

Dr. Chad: You never going to get what you wanted. With skin care, these chemicals have to actually get through that outer dead layer and get into the living layers of the skin in order to be able to exert long-term effects.

Sue: They do. They actually have to get through a whole bunch of barrier not just the dead skin cell layer. These products are all formulated to get to what we would call the side of action. That’s where in your body they can make a physical difference in the skin’s health. When you make a difference in the skins health, then you resolve the issues that are associated with it.

Dr. Chad: You could have one product that has ingredients one through 10 and then in this clinical product that has ingredients one through 10. They can be the exact same and you could have one that doesn’t work at all and one that absolutely does work.

Sue: Yes and that’s one of the things that’s a misconception in the industry. People will say, “I need this ingredient to do this.” Well you may have that ingredient and then if it’s not a pharmaceutical grade it’s not going to get there. Or if it’s badly formulated it’s not going to do what you wanted to do. The variables on making a quality product are so amazing. Most people have no concept. They think an ingredient is an ingredient and is ingredient. I’m going to use an example of one of our ingredients. One of our ingredients is called Scentel Asiatic. It’s a really great healing anti-oxidant. It’s in lots of skin care products. What they do with it in most skin care products though is they yank the plant out of the ground, they shake the dirt off, they may actually rinse it off, sometimes not. They grind it up and then they put it in a product.

We actually take that same plant and the pharmaceutical grade of that plant is refined down to what they would call a Tri-Turpin. The tri Turpin is actually the only active part of that plant. It’s not green any longer, it doesn’t have any smell any longer. It’s now a white powder. That white powder then can be used in a different form to do something much more potent because it’s in a form that your body will accept.

Brian: For me, there’s — obviously you guys understand the chemistry of skin care but for the everyday person. First of all how many women are affected by acne? What I’m hearing you saying is when they are affected, depends on where they are in their life. For example their hormones can be unbalanced I assume when they’re pregnant?

Sue: Absolutely.

Brian: Before and after there’s kind of a change in chemistry.

Sue: Absolutely.

Brian: The average woman deals with acne? 90%?

Sue: Off and on through probably at least a third of their life.

Brian: Right. There seems like there’s just an overwhelming amount of products out there first of all. If you could give advice to women listening to the show. Where do they go for advice. I mean it doesn’t seem like my wife would go to the doctor as a first step but I assume that they should Chad. Right?

Dr. Chad: Yes, absolutely. I think we need to take a break for to pay our bills. As soon as we come back, let’s talk about where you can go to get good advice about skincare, the hormones and the quality of what we’re putting our skin.

Brian: Sounds good.

Automated Voice: This episode of against the grain podcast is sponsored by Upper Cervical Health Centers. Upper Cervical Health Centers is not your typical chiropractic office. Different in that they never jerk, twist, snap or crack your spine. They offer a gentle approach to address your health issues naturally. Their patients report an improvement rate of over 75% in their overall health. They’re so much more than neck and back pain relief. Call 9187422300 or visit their website for a special offer on your first visit. Find your way back to your health with upper cervical health center.

Brian: Welcome back to the show. I’m Brian Wilkes with Dr. Chad Edwards and Sue Gaskell. Chad before the break we were talking about how a woman dealing with acne problems would go about finding a solution given that there’s variance in hormones throughout their entire life. They change the products I assume that they need at certain times et cetera.

Dr. Chad: Right. I think a lot of people get their information from infomercials, commercials, Google, T.V. those kinds of — A lot of patients will think I can just go to my doctor especially their primary care, because that’s where we often start. I’ll tell you that I don’t remember if you read this in the beginning or not. I am board certified in family medicine by the American Board of Family Medicine. I did not get a breadth of experience in dealing with some skin things. We got some but it tends to be if you’ve got skin– it’s almost like an algorithmic approach. You’ve got acne, we’re going to try this, if that doesn’t work then we’re going to go to this, and we’re going to put you on antibiotics all those kinds of things. The real question for me is, from a functional medicine perspective is, why do you have acne to begin with?

Brian: Yes. What’s causing it?

Dr. Chad: Then what can you do about it? If you go to your primary care doctor, I think there’s a high likelihood. I don’t want to say every time that there’s a high likelihood you’re going to get this algorithmic approach to — you try a product A, if that didn’t work you go to B, if that then doesn’t work you go to C, if that don’t work. Then some will just send you to the dermatologist. You can certainly do that but the issue for me is, what is it that’s causing all of this stuff to begin with? I’m going to now defer to Sue.

Brian: The lady in the room that knows. Has nine years of skin experience in case you didn’t hear that early in the show, right?

Dr. Chad: She’s forgotten more about skin than I know.

Brian: Her skin is really good.

Sue: Thank you.

Brian: Ours is not. I would say. But who cares, right? Who cares?

Dr. Chad: It’s a radio show.

Brian: Yes, it’s a radio show. That’s what we do. Sue tell us about it.

Sue: There are a number of reasons why people end up with acne. They could be as simple as — you get acne from stress. You could get acne from — not really from your diet. Honestly your diet has relatively little to do with acne.

Brian: Thank God.

Sue: It’s not the truth. I heard a really funny quote that, “The only problem you would ever have with eating French fries and getting acne was if you took your hands and wiped them on your face.” Which is pretty much true.

Brian: That’s a bad visual, but I will interject and say I think if you polled most people, they do think what they eat contributes to their acne.

Sue: Absolutely.

Brian: That’s completely false.

Sue: Absolutely.

Brian: Wow.

Sue: Hormones relate to your acne. Some acne is caused by inflammation and bacteria depending on the person. What people think of as true cystic acne is a disease of bacteria and inflammation. So you treat them all differently. They all have different causes but all of them can be handled somewhat the same.

Brian: Is it true that a person has dry or oily skin. I’ve heard that too. “You’re more susceptible based on your skin.” Have you heard that before? I’ve heard that before.

Sue: That’s not necessarily true.

Brian: It’s not necessarily true.

Sue: Often you see with the true cystic acne per acnicperson, that their skin is not necessarily oily. That’s the person that has the problem with inflammatory bacteria type of acne. The type of acne that most people get which is what we would call — consider mild to moderate acne, is a disease of oil production somewhat and hormones also. The problem is that most people that have acne spend their whole life trying to dry their skin out trying to fix their acne and in reality what your body does when you try to dry the oil production up is it produces more oil because the oil is they are trying to hydrate your skin. Unfortunately, the oil we produce in our skin doesn’t really hydrate it, it’s just oily and we don’t like it.


Brian: So, I won’t name names here but my wife takes these class every morning and this scrubs it down. Scrubs the face down to get rid of the oil, okay she doesn’t or she does.


Sue: She does that is not what you want to do.


Brian:  That’s not what you want to do.


Sue:  No, it’s not helping her pores.


Brian: You will come home with me tonight and tell her.




Dr. Chad:  She should just listen to the podcast that is what the cool kids do.


Brian:  That’s true, I should have known. That is not helping that is so interesting.


Sue:  Actually most people that have skin not even just oily skin or acneic skin most people that have skin do over scrub their skin. They either over scrub it with cloth or they go to their local drugstore department store and buy what would be considered a scrub and they scrub the crap out of it.


Brian: I would edit that.


Sue: Okay sorry.


Dr. Chad: No you don’t.


Brian: No, we don’t, not on this show.


Sue: Once you scrub up your skin like that you tear up — your tearing up the surface layer of your skin you’re actually not getting rid of what you want to get rid of, you’re harming it more than doing it good. It’s better to find a gentle exfoliating product like active serum I’m not trying this to be an ad but it exfoliates you every day and so then your hair follicles, your pores are cleaned out and you don’t have to scrub it, you don’t have to feel like you need to take a wash rag.


Brian: What do you do with? You put on a cotton ball and kind of just-


Sue:  You actually put it on your finger four drops of it will do your whole face little tiny bit goes a very long way.


Brian: No scrubbing just gently.


Sue: This is actually what we would consider a treatment product. So then to go along with your treatment product you want a gentle cleanser that doesn’t strip all the good things off of your skin and then on top and then your last year last item that you everyone needs is a sunscreen. You choose your gentle cleanser a sunscreen that’s formulated for somebody with oilier scan and you’re ready to go.


Brian: Okay, beyond gently rubbing the product on the face are there some hormonal things Chad from your end that you would do to balance hormones in addition to that?


Dr. Chad: Certainly, if your hormones are out then it sets the stage, so to speak. So yes, we want to focus on balancing hormones which can be very nuanced and there’s a lot to that and there are estrogen and progesterone testosterone DHEA all kind of different hormones are going to play into that. And that’s a lot of what we do in our clinic. Just trying and get those balanced but then we also have to deal with the remainder of the issues with the acne and that’s where good cleansers and I use this cleanser on my face every day and even though it may not look like it to you, it’s made a big difference in my skin.


Brian: No definitely can’t tell.


Dr. Chad: And then-


Brian: Sue yes, you no.


Dr. Chad: Thanks, brother. And I actually use the active serum myself and I’ll tell you that I use the sunscreen but a lot of times I don’t.


Brian: Yes I get you, you get to go. You got to get out there, right? Sue, so best guesses here how many women and this is a dangerous question. How many women are regulating their hormones constantly evaluating their hormones? Is the average woman out there saying, “Hey look hormones is an issue.” I’ve noticed a lot more literature on hormones or commercials directed towards regulating your hormones but how actively are women doing it?


Sue: Well what happened is that women have always wanted to regulate their hormones. Unfortunately, in the past and Chad can talk better to this than I can, the options for regulating your hormones were not necessarily so safe for women.


Dr. Chad: We will have a whole podcast about that one.


Brian: Well give me any quick example.


Dr. Chad: So premarin, that was what was around for years, it was one of the first it was the first letter estrogen those commercially available and premarin for those that don’t know stands for pregnant mares’ urine. This is literally estrogen from horse urine that —  it’s horse estrogens and they are not what we call bio identical. They are not the same hormones that we have in our body most of them anyway.


Brian: Because they are horse urine?


Dr. Chad: Right, lots of studies on that and there is a lot of question about safety and that your body processes them and handles them very differently, so that is an example.


Brian: Right, right so you would recommend, Sue, having dealt with this for so long that a lady out there would go to their primary care physician such as Chad here to work to balance her hormones in safe ways. If they’re having acne, in tandem to use a product like yours to exfoliate their skin that’s what I’m hearing?


Sue: Right, I would say though that when you are going to choose somebody to regulate your hormones find somebody that has a little bit of a functional medicine mind because the regular family medicine doctor you going to go to doesn’t understand this philosophy at all.


Brian: Now Chad is right in front of you so I’ll take care of him, feel free to speak freely here okay don’t be scared I got them, I know he is in the military but I got his number. So tell me why just what about Chad enables him to, as a primary care physician in order to treat this better than the primary care doctor. What does he know? I know you said functional medicine but give me a little more.


Sue: Chad looks at medicine as a whole body not just one little tiny specialty and functional medicine — the best description I can give you of functional medicine is it’s trying to make your body healthier not trying to correct symptoms that you’ve got.


Brian: Just treating symptoms, in other words getting down to the fundamental.


Sue: Functional medicine tries to get you so that you don’t have the symptoms you make a healthy enough body you don’t have symptoms, where you go to a traditional doctor. They’re going to take your symptoms and they’re going to give you some kind of medicine to treat the symptom without looking for the reason for this symptom, how to get your body healthier so that you don’t have the symptoms anymore.


Brian: Right, that’s what you’re all about right Dr. Chad?


Dr. Chad: Absolutely, my approach in the past, I’ll say this and then I’ll be quiet, it was the only thing I knew I didn’t really understand hormones. In fact I don’t know that I could have told you all three different estrogens in the in the normal human body.


Brian: After medical school you say?


Dr. Chad: Or during residency even, it was only once I got into — and then what’s the importance of each different one because they all have different levels of importance. My solution to a hormone problem was here is your birth control pill or here is your hormone replacement pill. That was it. It was not customized and I can tell you that the differences are so nuanced that there is not one solution for all of these ‘hormone problems’. It doesn’t work.


Brian: I don’t think  this topic’s any different than any other  topic that we talked about, it’s customizing medicine because everyone situations totally different. I think we talked about earlier there’s and I do want to talk to you Sue about my wife has had two children right and after she gave birth you know there were sometimes spots appear on your face. I wanted to ask you that because I think that’s a little bit what we’re talking today but at every stage woman’s like their hormones are different their level of acne, your skin problems are different and I think you have to treat each individual case right you can’t just throw-


Dr. Chad: That’s correct. Not only are they different ages they’re different every day quite literally. Now if everything is in normal balance all those kind of things women have normal fluctuations in their hormones through the month based on their cycle. I saw a 21-year-old girl today that has significant problems with hormones. It’s common and so often, in fact, her solution to this point has been, “Here’s your birth control pill, here’s your birth control.” And her words to me were, “I’ve never done good on birth control pills but I’ve never had an option.”


Brian: No doctor has ever given me an alternative.


Dr. Chad: For your birth control pills?


Brian: No, I’m speaking for this lady.[laughs]


Brian: That’s correct.


Brian: I don’t have a problem with that. Okay so tell me about the spotting after pregnancy I assume that’s in-


Sue: The spotting after pregnancy is a hormonal reaction in the skin which they call the mask of pregnancy honestly. And it’s your hormones cause and an upward progression of pigment to be produced by the melanin producing cell that we’ve got in our body. So normally we go out in the sun, we get a tan and that’s cell acting but during pregnancy the hormonal fluctuations cause that to happen. There are ways to deal with that but the first thing I will say is this is one thing that most people don’t understand is if you are not willing to wear sunscreen a hundred percent of the time you cannot fix that problem.


Brian: Wow, and why is that?


Sue: Because the sun is the number one aggravator of that condition, so if you’re not willing to block it as long as the sun is hitting your face and that means through a window through your car, through your building window. If you’re not willing to prevent the sun from ever hitting your skin then the pigment will always be there.


Brian:  Sue that does not sound like a commercially viable option. You have sell something at the end of that statement.

Sue:  Well, I can sell you things that will help with that but point is that sunscreen is a big part of that.

Brian:  That’s a pretty honest answer, it’s a good answer. I have noticed with my wife and she’s — Hopefully she doesn’t listen to this show she’s going to hate me. But I have noticed when she’s in the sun that it seems to bring it out a little bit.

Sue: So one thing that most people don’t understand about pigment is once you have pigment it never goes away. You can impede the appearance on your skin but below the surface of your skin if you were to look at yourself through a specialized camera it’s just sitting there waiting to come back up. So it absolutely never goes away once you got it.

Chad: The cat’s out of the bag.

Brian:  Yes, interesting thing to note. Is there any preventative measures?

Sue: Sunscreen?

Brian:  Yes. I assume you have sunscreen on?

Sue: We do have a sunscreen but even if I didn’t sunscreen is the only answer for the preventative.

Brian: It’s for a lot of things, right? Tell me about other common conditions that you see in women when it comes to skin care.

Sue: You see so many.


Brian:  What are the most prevalent?

Sue: How long do we have?

Brian:  What we’ve really talked about more of an acne base related to hormones. We’ve talked about the pigmentation. What’s another common symptom?

Sue: Wrinkles.

Brian:  Wrinkles.

Chad: Yes.

Brian: So do you have a cure for wrinkles?

Sue: So, the thing is–

Brian:  Because you don’t have any.

Sue: The thing that’s great now. Remember we were talking once a little bit earlier about active serum.

Brian: Yes.

Interviewee: The great thing about active serum, remember all of our products are multitasking. The active serum helps with acne, it helps with wrinkles, it helps with pigment, it helps with skin texture, it helps with pore size. This is one product that you use at night four drops. Yes, all those things.

Brian: It’s interesting wrinkles are interesting things. I’ve seen young people with wrinkles, right?

Chad: Yes.

Brian: I would think wrinkles– As you get older you wrinkle. But I have seen young people with wrinkles, I’ve seen older people without wrinkles. What’s up with that?

Sue: Well, sun.

Brian: Sun? Is it all sun exposure though?

Sue: A lot of it.
Brian: A lot it.

Chad: It is one of the greatest offenders. Now there there are others and tobacco, oxidation, glycation. We will have a podcast specifically about what are called advanced glycation end-products. That ages the skin and enhances the aging appearance.

Brian: You do have good skin. Not to be weird. You have great skin, you really do. I’m touching it right now.

Chad: That’s not weird at all.


Brian: It’s not that kind of show people. Okay, Sue every day you wake up what process do you do yourself and what process should women out there do? How do you take care of your skin?

Sue: Well, I’m not really good example because I’ve been in the skin care industry long enough that I am what we would classify as a power user.


Brian: [unintelligible 00:32:59] like demo products all the time?

Sue: I actually have a little bit of everything sitting at home. The one thing I will tell you about our product is, very little goes a long way and they’re not meant to be layered. So I change what I’m doing depending on what my skin’s doing. Much the same as much the same as Chad talks about changing hormones depending on what your body is doing or changing your supplements depending on what your body is doing. The same would hold true of skin care products. Even the most minimalist person should reevaluate their skin care products at least twice a year because when you go from winter to summer or summer to winter your skin changes, the needs of your skin change.

For me I get up, I cleanse my skin every morning. I put on an antioxidant. Sometimes will put on a hydrating anti-aging product and then I put on sunscreen. I need sunscreen every day. In the evening I wash my face, I put on whatever night time product is going to help with dead skin cell turnover and I change mine depending on whether it’s summer or winter because I’m really dry. So summer for me is active serum, winter is a different product and then I’m done. That’s it, that’s all I do.

Brian: That’s at least 99% more than I do. I just do sunscreen though.

Chad: I will tell you the — so my daily thing, I kind of talked about it, I do the cleanser and it’s just a good gentle it doesn’t strip your face of everything that you need. But good gentle cleanser then I’ll use the active serum. I’m better at doing this like when I shave because your face gets dry and irritated and one of the best aftershaves I’ve ever seen is the hydra cool. Which is an excellent moisturizer. It doesn’t make you oily or anything like that.

Brian: That’s an important deal for a guy.

Chad: It’s just a good moisturizer.

Sue: So we haven’t talked about that for men but — I mean we’ve mostly focused on women but the hydra cool for a man, it’s great for women who have oily skin but for men it’s soothing, it’s hydrating. And because most men create razor burn on their skin every single day of their lives it actually is going to soothe razor burn and close your pores down. So then you’ve got hydrated soothe nice smooth skin that’s not open to folliculitis because you’ve taken care of that problem by soothing and closing the pores.

Chad: It really does make a big difference, it really does.

Brian: Marshall over here has clean shave. You learn anything today?

Marshall: Yes, every single day. I have learned that I got to do a heck of a lot more than I’m doing right now.

Brian: In life.

Marshall: In life, general life, general health.


Brian: General health. Yes. I think I have some takeaways from me we are average guys Marshall, right? What do we know about the stuff? For me honestly shocked to hear that acne is not related to the things that you eat. That was a big surprise for me, right?

Sue: Yes.

Brian: I’m also shocked to think — I’ve seen people who have acne and they appear to have a lot of oil on their skin.

Sue: They do.

Brian: But it’s not necessarily a result of them having oily skin. Is that right?

Sue: They may have acne because they have oily skin but it’s not because they eat something that’s only that causes them to have oily skin.

Brian: Okay, yes I got that.

Sue: That’s maybe the better statement.

Chad: [unintelligible 00:36:16].

Brian: I got that. And also so much of the underlying symptoms have to do with what you can help with, Chad, and this is the hormonal structure.

Chad: Right. You just want to approach acne from a holistic perspective meaning the entire body perspective. What could be causing inflammation, what can make inflammation worse, what can affect hormones, what can affect the sebum production and all of these kinds of things. And then how do we treat that in the most appropriate manner and sometimes medications may be appropriate but I don’t get patients that fail with the — is clinical line. It’s just really been that good for us.

Brian: Let’s talk about that line. When do people get it?

Sue: So we are considered a clinical line our line is sold primarily in doctor’s offices medical spas.

Brian: Do you sell at your office Chad?

Chad: We do.

Brian: Okay.

Chad: We’re working — One day we’ll have the entire website up and you can get it off the website. I don’t have that up yet.

Brian: So the Revolution Health & Wellness clinic people can go there and get it, right?

Chad: Correct.

Brian: Where are you located?

Chad: 2865 East Skelly and then Tulsa Oklahoma. It’s right off of I-44 in Tulsa Oklahoma.

Brian: So for a New York listeners do you ship?

Chad: Sure.  If you call the clinic-

Brian: Sure — the price is right? [laughs].

Chad: If you call the clinic, we’ll get you taken care of one way or another.

Brian: It’s a great show . I got to tell you, Sue, thanks for being with us.

Sue: Well, thank you for having me.

Brian: A great edition.

Chad: Thank you, we appreciate you.

Sue: Thank you.

Brian: See you next time.

Automated Voice: Thanks for listening to this week’s podcast with Dr. Chad Edwards. Tune in next week, we will be going against the grain.