Revolution Health & Wellness

Episode 88 – How Food Plays Into Pain and Inflammation

Episode 88 - How Food Plays Into Pain and Inflammation

Speaker 1: 00:02 This is Dr Chad Edwards and you’re listening to podcast number 88 of against the grain.

Speaker 1: 00:16 Welcome back to another episode of against the grain. I’m so excited to join you here. I’m with Dianna. Hello. How are you guys doing today? How are you doing today? Doing fantastic. I guess everyone else’s. I can’t really answer cancer. Well, you know, I try. Um. Okay. So today this topic is foundational to functional medicine. When you think about functional medicine, especially, you know, what we do in our Tulsa clinic, you should be thinking about stuff like this. This is like, it doesn’t get more foundational than this. We’re gonna put a little bit different twist on some of this stuff because today let’s Diana, tell us what we’re talking about.

Speaker 2: 00:57 Okay. So today is one of my favorite topics. We’re going to talk about food. I like talking about food. Well, and we’re also gonna talk about how that food plays into things like pain and inflammation.

Speaker 1: 01:10 Awesome. So are you suggesting that there are people that have pain?

Speaker 2: 01:16 I am thinking there might be and we could probably help them out with that.

Speaker 1: 01:21 Awesome. I guess we should pay a little bit of credit. Uh, we got a lot of this information from one of my, uh, friends and colleagues, Dr Hal Blackman. He is a physician out of Cincinnati, Ohio, uh, does some amazing things and he’s just, I mean, he’s a lot of fun to talk to and he’s just a wealth of knowledge and I, uh, I wish he could be on the podcast with us, but, um, you know, regardless, I just wanted to give him credit. So, uh, he has a pain management practice and that’s Kinda what he does, but he uses a lot of functional medicine components within that. So that’s kind of what we’re focusing on today.

Speaker 2: 02:02 Cool. Absolutely. Um, we’re gonna talk a lot about nutrition and how that plays a role in the body processes.

Speaker 1: 02:10 So, um, okay. Well, you know, one of the things that’s definitely been in the news kind of, in fact president trump has got a lot of stuff about this kind of stuff and how this is a real crisis and it’s the uh, opioid use and the amount of people that are addicted to opiates and which is just absolutely tremendous in one of the things that I tell my patients. So I, I literally, I have one patient, one, one patient in, I think we’ve got about 5,000 patients in our database and we’ve got one that is on chronic opiates and I recently had to refer them to a pain man as a pain management specialist because I just couldn’t continue to manage it because of exactly what I see happening. And so in this patient we start off at a level of pain medicine, pain management. And what we see over years is that the use continues to increase.

Speaker 1: 03:18 And after years of increase, what I see are patients in pain that started off as patients in pain and end up as patients on narcotics and still in pain. It doesn’t fix their pain. It just puts them in a position where they have pain and they’re on narcotics, which come with a whole host of other problems. And now for some people to be clear, for some people it’s essential because if for whatever reason they have to be on them, um, you know, it’s just, it is what it is. So, uh, but I would argue that, that they’re a real problem in anything that we can do. Anything that we can do to reduce or eliminate the need for those medications is absolutely essential. And that’s one of the benefits of functional medicine, integrative medicine, trying to get to the underlying problem of why are we having these issues. Uh, so one of the things that Dr Blattman talked about was, um, do you remember the statistic that he used about how many prescriptions are, how much hydrocodone across the world do? Do you remember what that was?

Speaker 2: 04:24 90 to about 98 percent of hydrocodone is used in the United States.

Speaker 1: 04:31 Just absolutely blows me away. It’s like the United States is the only country with pain. It’s, it’s awful. So two to 10 percent of all of the world’s prescriptions for hydrocodone come from outside of the United States. It just absolutely blows me away. And certainly there’s probably some people that have intense pain that could benefit from it, but it just, just to give you an idea, we’ve got a fraction of the world’s population and a majority of the pain meds. It’s unbelievable. Unbelievable. So, you know, you mentioned that you like talking about food and its impact on the body. So what’s, what’s one of those quotes? Um, that, um, uh, I think hippocrates said,

Speaker 2: 05:13 Oh yes, hippocrates, food is medicine.

Speaker 1: 05:16 That’s exactly right. So he, I think he originally said let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food and so we, we eat our medicine and what we eat treats us and uh, it’s just. And of course that was thousands of years ago. So, um, there’s an equation that, uh, that we kind of use about when, when things start to pop up, um, as far as medical problems, pain, things like that, you want to run, you want me to do that? You want to run down at.

Speaker 2: 05:49 Let me give it a shot. Let’s try it. Okay, so when we’re looking at problems and trying to get an equation to let us know how we’re doing, we want to look at first what’s going good, so we’ve got good and then we want to subtract the bad and then add in the reserve. What you get out of all of that is pain. So what we want to do is make sure that we are increasing our good, decreasing are bad and we want to make sure that we are getting a big enough gap between good and bad. So we’re putting more in our reserve and moving further and further away from pain.

Speaker 1: 06:27 I love it. So get rid of bad stuff. Get more good stuff in there that creates more of a, a bank account, so to speak, that when bad stuff happening to kind of dips into that savings account and you know when when you run out of reserve and there’s more bad than good, then you get, you get pain, you get dysfunction, you get illness and disease and all those kinds.

Speaker 2: 06:47 Yeah. But when you’re putting deposits into that reserve and you’re making that got bigger and bigger between good and bad, now you’re giving the body an actual chance at healing itself,

Speaker 1: 06:56 which it loves to do when you give it the right environment it’s designed to do. Exactly. That’s amazing. So, uh, how, how do we change the good and the bad and give us more reserve? What do we, what can we do?

Speaker 2: 07:08 Well, it’s really awesome. There’s three specific roles that we can break this down and make it really easy. We’ll go over one today. Um, but quick summary, the first thing we’re going to do is not eat fake or toxic food.

Speaker 1: 07:21 Uh, we were fake and toxic food. I know, right? I mean, where are you gonna? Find that you know, everything. We are so well regulated. Sure that our government, surely they’ve gotten rid of fake and toxic foods.

Speaker 2: 07:36 They absolutely have our best interest at heart.

Speaker 1: 07:39 MMM hmm. Yeah. What’s number two? Don’t eat inflammatory food. That’s a big one. We talked in the last podcast, we talked about the Omega three, Omega six ratio and how it goes through the arachidonic acid pathway and we mentioned a cattle tracks and they don’t pay me anything to, to plug them, but, but it’s just delicious good healthy beef and there’s other places that you can get, you know, good healthy foods. But uh, this is an example of stuff that’s kind of anti inflammatory food and not eating the inflammatory. That’ll be the next podcast that we talk about. And then the last part

Speaker 2: 08:20 we’re going to number three, I’m talking about our gut microbiome and making sure that we are feeding things correctly to get that balance right so that we’ve got less toxic flora and, and really good healthy flora,

Speaker 1: 08:35 which is a, plays a huge, huge part in our overall health. Dr Perlmutter has written books about them and there’s just multiple books, multiple studies or validating how the gut microbiome plays a dramatic role in your overall health. It is a critical and essential, and I actually spoke about it. What was that a couple of years ago at one of the conferences, the medical conferences here about the, the metabolic syndrome year and a half ago, something like that, um, which we actually did a podcast about that, about that topic with the gut microbiome and the metabolic syndrome. If you could look back leaky gut, well, not the leaky gut in the, in the eighties, on the podcast. This the one that goes back, uh, there was, uh, like there was part one, two and three about diabetes metabolic syndrome and that one. So you have to go back a little bit further, but it’s there, I promise.

Speaker 1: 09:32 Uh, so go back in a little teaser on that one if you haven’t listened to that one. So I know how passionate you are about fake crap and fake food and you love it when people sneak stuff into your food or you get stuff that, that’s Kinda, that, that might be causing a problem because you can’t really tell you no. Are you kidding me? I can tell immediately. Oh Man. And we all pay the uh, not, not. We’re not talking about. Just to be clear, I don’t wanna get myself in trouble. Um, so what aggravating what, uh, well, I mean, it changes. You don’t feel well it, I get it. It’s horrible. So I’m okay with what are some of the fake foods that we need to, we need to talk about.

Speaker 2: 10:20 All right, so whenever we’re going to talk about is nutrasweet, um, we’re going to talk about Splenda, some of your, your fake sweeteners, Saccharin, and then we’re going to talk about margarine.

Speaker 1: 10:32 Margarine. Now that’s, that’s a fun story. That’ll be the end of the podcast. We’ll kind of close things out, um, with that. Uh, so first let’s talk about nutrition. You want to intro this one? You want me to go ahead, take it. So, nutrasweet, I’ve been kind of passionate about this one. So nutrasweet is the brand name for aspartame and aspartame is really, I mean it’s, it’s horrible stuff and if you measure the serum of the blood, you do some blood work, you can actually see increases in methanol and formaldehyde. Now, if you don’t remember, Formaldehyde is what we’ll use to involve, or that was one of the chemicals in the past that we’ve used to embalm dead people.

Speaker 2: 11:11 And that also a carcinogen.

Speaker 1: 11:13 It is, of course, the people that are being embalmed don’t really care. Yeah. No. Um, but methanol is a, um, it’s a wood alcohol, uh, that in, um, in, in certain levels it increases formality. I’m sorry, formic acid, which causes retinal toxicity and you can go blind over this. When I worked in Gallup, New Mexico, we saw stuff like this because we had a lot of alcoholics out there and they would drink anything they could get their hands on and if they got on a hold of methanol, then you can, you can see multiple toxic effects. It is not like your standard alcohol. Um, you know, that, you know, it’s not your bud light, it’s not your whiskeys, it’s not any of that. It is bad toxic stuff. Most of the time around here we’ll see it in a, like a diy icers and things like that.

Speaker 1: 12:05 That’s kind of where you would often find it. Uh, so just bad stuff, so aspartame increases the levels of this stuff and there is a dose dependent increase or a dose related increase, uh, with cancer in rats. So the higher the dose, the more likely it is you’re going to see cancer in rats and a liver cancer was one of the ones that stood out. Uh, but there is an increased risk of multiple cancers. And the interesting thing is even if you consume less than a can of day, I can per day. Yeah. It’s not like I drink 20 of these things everyday, even in small amounts, uh, there’s about 180 milligrams depending on the source, hundred and 2,580 milligrams of aspartame in one can of diet coke. So it’s a, it’s a fair amount and it breaks down to, uh, the aspartame breaks down to about 40 percent aspartic acid, 50 percent fetal Alanine, and 10 percent methanol.

Speaker 1: 13:05 And again, methanol, is that really toxic alcohol? There is no, there is no what we consider a safe level of methanol. And the interesting thing is that when you consume this aspartame, you got aspartame that’s getting broken down and free methanol is created when you heat the aspartame to above 86 degrees, my body is above that 86 degrees. Yes, that’s exactly right. So when you drink it, you’re creating free methanol. Fabulous. That’s right. And so again, toxic retinal toxicity, there’s other toxicities that, that uh, uh, that can occur, but there is a cumulative effect as a cumulative poison with a slow rate of excretion. So building. Exactly. And I can’t get rid of it fast enough. Exactly. And so again, when you go back to that good bad reserve, you know, especially with these patients in pain, when you take bad crap like this stuff and you drink a bunch of diet coke, you’ve got toxin buildup.

Speaker 1: 14:11 Your body is trying to deal with those toxins. You start in impinging on your reserve and this can increase your pain. So I’m not saying diet coke causes pain, but for people in pain, it can make your pain worse. So clean that stuff up. Don’t drink it, get rid of it. Uh, so the safety zone, according to the EPA is seven point eight milligrams per day, and the average drink contains between 15 and 36 milligrams, I believe he’s talking about the methanol. So aspartame can worsen depression, it blocks glutamate from binding to the NMD receptor, and it, MDA is one of those things that it plays an important role in pain management and certain drugs like ketamine and Methadone will interact with the, uh, an MDA receptor and it, it’s different than the opiate receptor, but it’s one of those ways that you can have some pain management, some pain benefits by binding to that receptor and aspartame.

Speaker 1: 15:12 Exactly, exactly. So it’s just one of the, one of those ways that if you find that your, some of these medications are no longer working for you, then you need to consider what toxins are being addressed and your system. And again, from that functional medicine perspective, you got to look at why stuff working, why’s it not working, what are the toxins? All of those kinds of things. So from a, you know, at, at our clinic in Tulsa, in addressing from the functional medicine approach to these kinds of things, you want to make sure that, that you address all of those things when you know, another kind of an interest, it’s almost a side note. But when we put patients on our bioidentical hormone pellets and they come in and they’re, they’re supposed to last between three and four months. So we have these patients that are on hormone pellets and there are only lasting 45 days, which actually happened.

Speaker 1: 16:00 Uh, I had a patient last week that said that, and I said, the first question I asked was, well, what’s your stress like? And they were like, oh, it’s awful. And you know, so we started going down how stress impacts the body because these pellets should last in the three to four month range. It’s not exactly. And, and there’s reasons why, uh, like one patient and we actually had two patients almost back to back. Uh, one of them, we were treating some of the stress components by giving more testosterone and that was working, but she was burning through them, running through it so fast that a, I mean, it was a, it was a very clear picture of almost too much testosterone, but that’s what she needed in order to treat those symptoms to maintain. Exactly. Yeah. And so not my preferred and from a functional medicine perspective, I would have treated this patient on hormone pellets differently, but she couldn’t get rid of the stress. So where’d you, we just have to manage, which again, is not my preferred and not really the functional medicine approach, but we’re doing the best we can for each patient on an as an individualized approach. So, sorry for that silent. Um, okay. So that’s kind of aspartame in a nutshell. And you know, as I say that I can’t help but think about Austin Paris saying, no, this is aspartame in a nutshell. Look at me. I’m in a nutshell.

Speaker 1: 17:16 Um, the, uh, the next one, and I know this is another one that you love. What’s the next one? Okay, we’ve got SPLENDA, sucralose, this is the little yellow package. These, you know, so this fake crap is color coated. Absolutely. You asked for blue, you’d asked for pink or you asked for yellow. It’s amazing. It’s like I just get real food. Uh, the interesting thing to map to me about sucralose, sucralose is as toxic as aspartame, but I mean it’s, it’s still a, I don’t think it’s a good healthy, beneficial thing and it’s fake. And we had, it had to be synthesized. It doesn’t occur naturally in nature. Um, and uh, so this is another one that, um, that we’ve got to get rid of, but it’s made by taking a sugar molecule and chlorinating it. Now interestingly, and I’m not saying it’s linkedin the same way, but we make nerve agents, biochemical nerve agents on a, on a battlefield, you know, like, like what Saddam Hussein used and all those kinds of things.

Speaker 1: 18:17 Some of these nerve agents are made or some of these chemical agents are made by chlorinating other chemicals. So when we talk to patients about the need for iodine and the toxins that they get exposed to chloride fluoride, bromide, and you get them in water and bread, those kinds of things. Well this is another source of chloride and chlorine kills bacteria and pools. That’s what we, we treat pools. We treat our water trying to kill the bacteria and the bacteria in my gut. Exactly. Exactly. And so we’ve got this, uh, you know, one of the things that we’ll talk about on one of the next couple of podcast is the gut microbiome and how important that is for our overall health. And when we get things like sucralose with this chlorine that helps to sterilize water and all of those kinds of things, then that can mess up the gut microbiome, will not differentiate between good or bad. It’s an equal opportunity offender. It will just go in and wipe out. Yup, exactly. So let’s take a quick break and then we’ll come back and finish up with our other two components that we’ll talk about it. So we’ll be right back.

Speaker 1: 19:53 Alright, we are back. So we’ve talked about some pain. We’ve talked about good, bad reserve and when you have more bad than good and you get rid of your reserve, pain goes up. We talked a little bit about not eating a fake crappy foods like nutrasweet and all the damage that that can do. We talked about sucralose. Now we’re going to talk about. So we talked about the uh, uh, the. Is it the blue and the yellow that we talked about so far? I know we’ve talked about yellow. Okay. So whatever the nutrasweet is, I thought, I thought that was, I thought nutrasweet or the, the aspartame was the pink one and I’m quite sure. I think Sacramento is the blue one. I don’t remember. I don’t use it. So cute. All right, well talk about the next one and I’ll see if I can find it real quick. Saccharin is, is our pink package. This is going

Speaker 2: 20:48 to be what we refer to is like sweet and low, um, sweet twin neck to suite or a couple of other different names for it. Uh, one of the biggest concerns with utilizing this a fake sweetener is that it is going to alter our gut flora. So you want to let us know what you found. Did you find them in

Speaker 1: 21:10 surface of saccharin sweet and low? That is the pink package. Okay. Sorry, I don’t eat the crap. So

Speaker 2: 21:18 I don’t remember what exactly I see it on the tables at restaurants, but I don’t use them. So with your Sacrad, um, you do have to be cautious about the fact that it will alter the gut flora. Um, and in doing so then that can of course lead to other issues with leaky gut, which then in turn is going to just increase inflammation which is going to feed into that pain equation. So if we’re altering the gut flora or bad is going to increase our good is going to decrease our reserve is being consumed and then we’re going to definitely experienced some pain.

Speaker 1: 21:54 Yep, exactly. And so just to clarify, the um, uh, the aspartame, uh, is a nutrasweet also equal and it is the blue package. Very good. We did hit all the colors. Yep. There you go. Alright. Alright. So any other, any other artificial sweeteners we really need to talk about. Those are the big players right now. And the, uh, the naturally occurring ones are definitely more a, there’s a, there’s more safety with those. You definitely have to pick your poisons if you’re either adding sweeteners. Just be careful. Um, you know, we definitely like the uh, uh, I can’t think off the top of my head. There you go. So that one is my preferred. Uh, I am not a fan of a Gabi and this is another podcast, but that is fruit toast. Tastes sweet. Your body handles it differently. Yes. They’ll say it doesn’t make your blood sugar go up.

Speaker 1: 22:52 Uh, that’s there. That’s not a, a, a false statement, but your body reacts to this very, very differently. And it basically, you replenish liver glycogen and the rest goes to fat. So. Oh dear. I recommend avoiding, uh, the, uh, Gabi and the other doctors and things like that nature podcast for sure. Yup. Exactly. So the last one that we’re going to talk about today is one of my favorites. I’m going to let you handle this because you’re such a history buff. Okay. So we’re going to talk about margarine. And the interesting thing and why Diana said I’m such a history buff, is because of where this crap came from. Uh, so the, uh, the, the history on this is pretty interesting to me. So, you know, butter, it’s one of those things that, you know, it’s a commodity. And so Napoleon and in the, uh, in the 18 hundreds ran out of butter.

Speaker 1: 23:44 And so we a contest to see who could make the best butter because we weren’t in a war or anything, right? Yeah, exactly. So he wanted to see who, who would come up with the best thing. And so they, this guy, I don’t remember who it was, did the brand bubble this bubble hydrogen gas through vegetable oil and one. And so this, uh, this butter shortage, uh, during the war was so restricted that laws were repealed and it had to be imported or produced. Um, and so they were producing the margarine, but um, they, I can’t remember, they tested in animals or something like that wouldn’t sustain life. So of course, what do we do with it? Let’s put it in food for humans. You can set it out on the counter like it does not have to be refrigerated, right? Just set it out, leave it out.

Speaker 1: 24:38 It’s amazing. And to be clear, it is not butter, it is not, don’t do that with your butter. Do it with margarine. And of course they’ve, they’ve come out since you. They used to say, oh, we got to get rid of butter because it’s saturated fat and it’s an animal fat and it’s bad for you and all of this crap, but you know, just eat this plastic crap and that’s really good for you and that will be healthier and all this kind of stuff. Of course they’ve, they’ve come back out and recanted a so slowly. Yeah, exactly. And it’s almost like you have to just let people die before the. They’ll admit that they were wrong. So just in general on. So that’s kind of where it came from. And not only with Marjorie and there’s other, this process of hydrogenation. So that’s where they bubbled this hydrogen gas, uh, through the vegetable oil.

Speaker 1: 25:25 And so it, it’s a biochemically, it allows hydrogen molecules to bind to these, uh, these unsaturated fatty acids, and we talked a little bit about that in the last podcast and so that’s a process called hydrogenation and so you’ll make partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated fats, which, um, you know, it ranks right up there with drinking battery acid as far as being beneficial for your health. And so a lot of these processed hydrogenated foods won’t allow mold to grow, just like you were saying a minute ago. Uh, it, it, you can leave it out on your counter it, I mean, how many of you, how many listeners out there, if you have your, your peanut butter, you’re skipping your, Jeff, you’re a peter pan. Um, how many of those, how many of you put that in your, in the refrigerator and no, nobody does that. And it will never grow mold.

Speaker 1: 26:18 Somebody please contact me and let me know if I’m wrong. Date is just a suggestion. So you go buy a new one. Exactly. I mean, it’s, it’s good forever. Well, it’s, it’s not going to deteriorate forever because mold that won’t grow on it either. Uh, so if it won’t grow, if, if your food won’t grow mold, it won’t grow you either. So runaway, so hydrogenated is considered a poison. And again, so you’re your skippy Jiff, Peter Pan, all those things. These are hydrogenated fats. I’m not vilifying a peanut butter, but the hydrogenated fat is bad. Look for those natural versions. So processed foods, we do that because it increased the shelf life, of course, the essential fatty acids that you need. And again, if you listen to our last podcast where we talked about the Omega threes, these things degrade over time and if you look at your fish oil capsules, they will usually have some kind of antioxidants like vitamin e asked is anthon something with it because it prolongs the, the, uh, where it provides some stability to it.

Speaker 1: 27:26 So it’s not getting rancid because of oxidation. So, you know, here the processing of the food is, is kind of what does that, uh, you know, good, healthy foods don’t have a shelf life. They don’t last long, right? You know, you’re talking to a week in the fridge and that’s about it. Uh, so the, the oxygen and the hydrogen druggie nation and allows some of these fats to become rancid and um, you know, it was important in the 19 thirties in the 19 forties, they have a long shelf life because we didn’t have as much refrigeration, we didn’t want to waste things because of, you know, the world war and those kinds of things. So this hydrogenation came kind of in the prime,

Speaker 2: 28:07 but, but now it’s become a way of life and yeah, exactly. It’s not necessary. And so what are some of the things that hydrogenation causes, uh, well, some of the things that you’re going to define whenever you have a diet high in hydrogenated oils is your cholesterol is going to rise, your ldl is going to rise, and then that’s the, that’s the bad cholesterol or bad one. I hate that term, but we’ll call it a bad question. Yeah. And then, um, you’re good one for Hdl, your hdl, so that one goes down, will decrease. Absolutely. Um, what else we have.

Speaker 1: 28:41 So we, we release Prostaglandins, the prostaglandin balance changes more toward an inflammatory profile and again, it’s, it’s interesting that we just did the other part, we didn’t plan that, we just did this other podcast on the Omega threes and Omega three, Omega six balance and why flax seed oil is bad for you. Um, and so we gave the foundation for that right there that, that balance changes and you know, it affects gastric acid secretion. So how many people out there have gerd or reflux and if you do you need to listen to our podcast on reflux.

Speaker 2: 29:17 I can’t remember it. I’ll pull it up before we get off so that we know what a, what episode number. That was, how we can link it in the show notes too. If we did it. Of course. I’m.

Speaker 1: 29:26 So it was actually number 30 just like right there. So I never 30 we’ll address that. Inflammation goes up, diabetes goes up, cell membrane compensation changes. So one cell has to communicate with another. It can’t do it well because these hydrogenated fats just kind

Speaker 2: 29:41 of imagine it just being covered in this like plastic shell brand rep, and so it can’t communicate. Things can’t get into the cell. Things can’t get out of the cell, and so you just kind of have this breakdown at a cellular level

Speaker 1: 29:55 and which is, which is just absolutely a horrible. Um, and you know, if we eat hydrogenated oil today, we incorporate those fast. When you look at the biochemistry of how all this stuff works, when we eat these fats, then that fat becomes part of your cell membrane and that’s, you got to take cellular, biology or biology on some level to understand kind of what I’m talking about here. Uh, but that’s, that’s an absolute true fact. The Omega threes that we eat, they are incorporated into the cell membrane on ourselves. In fact, when we measure your Omega three levels, we are measuring, uh, the fatty acids on the surface of the red blood cells. It’s just a very interesting way of doing that. The more crappy fat you eat, the more is incorporated into your cell membranes that matter. All of the fats you eat get incorporated there, or at least on some level.

Speaker 1: 30:45 And so whether they’re good or bad, it, it’s, it’s bad. So they become a part of our cell membrane. And so those cells don’t absorb nutrients as efficiently and they don’t release their products. So the cells are supposed to make things. Uh, and in some cases they’re inflammatory chemicals are anti inflammatory chemicals. Uh, the cells lose flexibility, neuronal transmission, so going from one cell to the next and from nerves to the next, um, won’t be normal after years of eating like this. You can think about your body like a GM, old GM truck that has been fitted with plastic parts and going to work the same. Yeah, exactly. Uh, so Dr Blackman said that if you stop eating hydrogenated oils today, it’s going to take four months to get rid of them out of your body. Your red blood cells that, that you made today will have a lifespan of four months and so 90 to 120 days and will contain hydrogenated oil in their membrane composition until you get rid of them. So if you think you can cheat once a week and do. Okay. Thank again.

Speaker 2: 31:46 No, it’s going to take four months. Yep. Every time you teach for four months. Exactly. You’re clean again. No,

Speaker 1: 31:52 the, the good news is that if you eat crappy everyday and then you get rid of crappy food half the time, then your cells are only 50 percent crappy instead of, you know, 100 percent crap.

Speaker 2: 32:04 That’s glass half full. I like it. Exactly why when you got to start somewhere. Exactly. So start now. Exactly. Yeah.

Speaker 1: 32:12 It makes an absolute difference when you want to look at the functional medicine approach to overall health, uh, then you’ve got to look at what am I eating, what kind of trash is coming in, how am I detoxifying? All of those kinds of things matter. And those are some of the things that we evaluate on our patients when they come into see us at our revolution health and wellness clinic in Tulsa. So please call our clinic. Schedule your appointment today. If you haven’t had your Omega threes checked in Awhile, scheduled an appointment for that. Very simple to do that and start getting rid of crap out of your diet. Don’t eat fake food. Amen. Don’t be fake. Don’t eat fake. Be Real. You guys. Take care. We’ll, uh, we’ll catch you next time on our next episode of, against the grain.