Revolution Health & Wellness

Episode 74 – BPAs: What the Heck Are They and Where Are They?

Episode 74 - BPAs: What the Heck Are They and Where Are They?

BPAs What are they and where are they

Bisphenol A (BPA)

  • Organic, synthetic chemical. Colorless solid soluble in organic solvents but poorly soluble in water. Used since 1957.
  • Used to make some plastics and epoxy resins. BPA plastics are tough & clear and used in a LOT of stuff!
    • Water bottles
    • sports equipment
    • CDs, DVDs
    • Coatings inside food & beverage cans
    • Thermal paper (receipts)
  • 2011 – 10 billion pounds of BPA chemicals synthesized for making polycarbonate plastic making it one of the highest volume of chemicals produced worldwide!!
  • Edward Charles Dodds Tested as an artificial estrogen in the 1930’s. He later developed DES which was later banned
    • Premarin – first identified in the late 1930s
  • Safety:
    • EU & Canada have banned BPA use in baby bottles
    • FDA: “BPA is safe at the current levels occurring in foods”
    • FDA: “BPA is a structural component in PC beverage bottles. It is also a component in metal can coatings which protect the food from directly contacting metal surfaces.”
      • No longer authorized for baby bottles but it wasn’t due to safety. It was due to market abandonment.
    • France: Feb, 2016 announced it intends to propose BPA as a REACH regulation candidate “substance of very high concern.”
    • Endocrine society: 2015, results of ongoing lab research provided grounds for concern about potential hazards of endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including BPA, in the environment, and that on the basis of the precautionary principle these substances should continue to be assessed and tightly regulated.
    • Chapel Hill Consensus Statement: BPA at concentrations found in the human body is associated with organizational changes in the prostate, breast, testis, mammary glands, body size, brain structure and chemistry, and behavior of laboratory animals.
      • Average BPA levels in people were above those that cause harm to many animals in al experiments.
    • Color developer in carbonless copy paper and thermal receipt paper. In thermal paper BPA is not polymerized and is available as free BPA making it more available for exposure. Upon handling, BPA is transferred to skin. Concern for hand-to-mouth exposure.
    • How does it interact with estrogen?
      • Structurally similar to Estradiol – allows BPA to trigger estrogenic pathways.
      • Binds to A & B receptors
      • VERY weak estrogen, 37,000x weaker (Dodd’s)
      • Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM)
      • @ high doses BPA binds to androgen receptor
    • Estrogen Related Receptor Gamma (ERR-gamma)
      • Nuclear receptor
      • Tamoxifen, DES bind here. They deactivate EERG
      • BPA binds strongly, estrogen doesn’t
        • BPA is 2x stronger than estradiol
      • BPA activates EERG, tamoxifen doesn’t work if BPA present
      • BPA oxidized. Metabolites are also active.


We are going to take a quick break and when we come back we will

Commercial #2: pre-recorded

And we’re back…

  • We’ve got to avoid this stuff. The problem is that it is EVERYWHERE!!!
  • Wear gloves if touching receipts or other thermal paper
  • High-quality water filters
  • Detoxify!!
    • Glucoraphanin
    • Turmeric/Curcumin
    • DIM
    • XenoProtX


Speaker 1: 00:00 This is Dr Chad Edwards and you are listening to podcast number 74 of against the grain.

Speaker 2: 00:07 One guy doesn’t want to maximize their testosterone through using all natural and organic ingredients. Men now have an option for a locally made paraffin and sulfate free shampoo, conditioner and face wash. Not only does dudes, mainly products smell great, which drives latest crazy by the way, in a good way. They put a unique spin on their shampoos without actually having a dark gray color because of the coconut shell charcoal that is used to remove the toxins. Dude could be purchased at the Tulsa men’s shop and also That’s d o d manly Welcome to against the grain podcast with Dr Chad Edwards, where he challenges the status quo when it comes to medicine. We get into hot topics in the medical field with real stories from real patients to help you on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Get ready because we’re about to go go against the grain. Hello, this is the Super Tall Marshall Morris and Dr Edwards.

Speaker 1: 01:05 We are here in the Dojo of Mojo. How are you doing? I’m feeling all Mojo showed up. You’re feeling all Mojo to up. You have to. If you’re in the dojo where we go, right? That’s right. So for all of the listeners that don’t know, you are a board certified physician you served in the US army to. Right. Okay. Do those go hand in hand or did that just kind of happen? Nope, you can actually know some of my colleagues when I was doing residency, you know? So basically for those of you that don’t know, you go to medical school at the end of medical school, you are, you have a degree, an md, a Deo, you have a degree, but you are not a licensed physician. You have to complete an internship at the end of internship you take another set of boards, step three boards and at that point you are a licensed physician.

Speaker 1: 01:51 That means you can practice medicine. And some of my classmates in residency did that. They stopped at that point and went out and just practiced. We call it in the army, we call them general medical officers. Gmo, but then you would then I stayed in residency and completed that training and so I was a board certified family medicine physician, so it’s kind of like the hierarchy, the. Then the next step you took the next step, right, and then you took the next step and wrote a book, revolutionize your health with customized supplements. You did that right? And then you founded revolution That’s the next step, right? And then you founded the against the grain podcast, right, and next was a 20 slash 20 Dr Edwards for president. Dr Edwards for president. Dr Edwards. What are we talking about today on this podcast? So kidding, by the way, you’re going to do that job.

Speaker 1: 02:44 Anyway, so today we’re gonna talk about some chemical exposures. You know, there’s been so much that I’ve been looking at hearing, reading about about toxins and toxicants that disruptive human physiology and screw us up and they are every where and so we hear about it, but unless you understand how it works and kind of what it does to your body, it’s easy to dismiss that and say, ah, you know, it’s not a big deal or I’ll just wash my hands are kind of ignore it. So today we’re going to spoke. I was originally, when I started putting this together, I was going to do one on what we call endocrine disruptors. So it’s a big class of chemicals that screw up your endocrine system. What’s that? The chemicals or the integrated? The integrated. Okay. Oh well I assume we’re going to get into the chemicals.

Speaker 1: 03:29 Yep. But, but what is the endocrine system for me and my third grade mine. Yeah. So in your, in your body you’ve got nerves that transmits signals from one place to another by like electricity, sort of. And then you have the endocrine system which transmits hormones. So there’s these chemicals that are released from one organ and they go someplace else in the body to a target tissue and they will exert some kind of change on that tissue. Thyroid, for example, is an endocrine hormones released from the thyroid gland, goes to virtually every cell in your body, goes into the cell, attaches to the receptor on the nucleus, and it basically revs up your metabolism. That’s one of his many effects. So that’s Kinda the endocrine system so much. So we’re talking about the toxins that affect the endocrine system. Yep. Okay. Yeah, let’s get into it.

Speaker 1: 04:18 Yeah. So today, specifically BPA were Bisphenol A. I don’t know that anybody knows what bpa stands for except for maybe you. Are you trying to say that you think that people might not be as excited about it as I am? Oh, well I’m just saying that you’ve definitely done your research. Yeah. So. And it was quite interesting doing research on this. So just to kind of put it in perspective, you know, I used to use a, uh, my, I had my camel bag bottle or my nalgene bottle. Yeah. So those things, you know, they were indestructible and you can drive a truck over them, you know, all these things. So that kind of plastic a had VPA as one of the chemicals that’s in it. And I remember, you know, Gosh, it was probably 2005, six, seven, somewhere in there that I heard a bunch of people start saying, oh, it’s got to BPA and it don’t use that.

Speaker 1: 05:08 And I remember honestly thinking that’s just a bunch of Hogwash, you know, I don’t a Bpa, you know, just okay, don’t use your that don’t use that bottle. Bunch of tree huggers. Yeah, exactly. Alright. Weirdos, hippies, hippie. So, um, but I mean honestly, my thought at the time was okay, well I don’t want to drink out of a plastic bottle because I don’t want to do that BPA assuming that I don’t want that exposure. And uh, because I just didn’t hear about it anywhere else and I certainly didn’t use any of those plastics other than my little, you know, nalgene bottle. So, um, but then they started making these bottles that were bpa free. You know, when you read the bottom of it and it says Bpa free, no BPA, that kind of stuff. And I was like, Oh hey, problem solved. We’ll find out in future podcasts that that’s not exactly true.

Speaker 1: 05:53 In fact, it’s not true at all. I mean there may not be bpa in it, but it doesn’t mean what you think it means. So we’ll stay tuned. Now. So do bps. Does BPA free mean that I’m not harming the ozone or does that have nothing to do with this? Because when I think of BPA, I feel like I’m not creating a hole in the ozone layer. Well, if you die prematurely then you’re not blowing off carbon dioxide so you’re not increasing the carbon footprint and you’re contributing back to the dirt because all of your, all of the nutrients in your body, you know, you’re fertilizing someone’s garden or something. Okay. So, so in a way, yeah. So if you die, you die. You’ll contribute in that way. Okay. But, but not in this way. This is a different way that’s, that’s deleted. So bpa where, where’s a bba most commonly found?

Speaker 1: 06:43 Yeah. So really this stuff is everywhere and, and we’re going to get a little bit more was it was some places that we find this stuff. Obviously water bottles, we’ve talked about that. Uh, we’ll see it in sports equipment and made out of plastic and things like that. Cds and dvds. You actually have bpa in cds and dvds. Some, at least some of them. This was what was kind of concerning to me is coatings inside your food and beverage cans. So, you know, a can of green beans. It’s lined with a thin layer of plastic that actually has bpa in it. So if you’re avoiding using a water bottle because you think you’re not going to get any bpa exposure, think again. So why, why are they putting these things a or Bpa in these things? Like what, what purpose does it serve? It’s not a, uh, a polymer chemists, so I can’t really speak with authority, but it contributes to the nature of the plastic.

Speaker 1: 07:36 You know, the, you know, you’re, I don’t know, disani water bottle. That doesn’t generally have a ton of BPA because it’s a different kind of plastic. When you look at those recycling categories, you know, the two, three, fours and five, six, seven, I think it’s seven. This most common has bpa in it and I don’t believe that’s a recyclable, you know, are commonly recyclable plastic. But uh, so those kinds of plastic bottles, uh, the, your, your routine water bottle that you get doesn’t really have a ton of BPA. That does not mean it doesn’t have chemical endocrine disruptors in it, which we’ll get into in future podcasts, but that is not to my knowledge, it’s not a major contributor of BPA, but I’ll tell you, the most surprising source that I found was your receipts. Thermal receipts. You go eat dinner and they bring you the receipt and you sign it and that has bpa in it.

Speaker 1: 08:26 And we’ll talk about why I’m actually a little bit more concerned about that than I am about some of the other ones. That’s startling. Yep. Okay. So for all of the people listening, everybody’s kind of wondering why the heck are we talking about bps? And I already do a pretty good job with managing my bpa footprint. Right? How big of a problem is this? It’s, it’s huge. Uh, well it is. I would argue that it’s a huge problem that is lurking under the covers, so to speak. The, I think one day we may discover more about this and I don’t want to have a completely vilified BPA and say it’s the only problem. That’s not what I mean collectively. I think all of these endocrine disruptors and these chemical exposures that we get in our environment are a major problem. So, you know, I was talking to my mom with my mom.

Speaker 1: 09:19 She’s actually a sitting over here looking at me laughing at me because I expected I’m pointing her out spectating and I have to be on my best behavior. Otherwise I’ll get us bank and later. Well shout out to mom, mom, shout. Um, so on the way over here we were talking about what Bpa is in and these kinds of fiction. She was like, okay, so what does this stuff do? What? And I was like, well that’s a great question mom. I should probably include that in there. And so things that, that BPA can do as an endocrine disruptor, and we’re going to the specifics of some of the biochemistry and I noticed some people don’t care, some people were really care, but I think it’s important to kind of at least understand some of the, some of the concepts of the process. But basically what BPA can do is mess up your hormones.

Speaker 1: 10:02 So we see. So what are the implications of that? We see a eight and nine year old girls going into puberty, but they shouldn’t go into puberty at that age. We see the same kinds of things with young boys. We see Gynecomastia, we see infertility. Uh, we see, uh, all kinds of hormone problems. We see hypo thyroid, we see a menstrual irregularities, premenstrual syndrome, and the list goes on and on and on. And I believe that these endocrine disruptors are a major contributor to many of these problems. Could, could bpa be responsible for the fact that I’m six foot seven maybe? Maybe. Okay. Maybe it’s just tall genes. Probably I have short jeans. Probably will come back to that. We’ll come back to the growth hormone later. Podcasts. So, so you’re saying that the entire, the BPA effecting the entire endocrine system, there’s very real issues at the heart of this.

Speaker 1: 11:00 You see that BPA can affect in disrupt the hormones that cause a lot of these issues. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And so what, when did this start becoming a problem? Or when did the research start coming out about this stuff? Yeah, so first you know the BPA, what it is, it’s an organic synthetic chemical, so it’s, it’s produced is made manufacturer, it’s colorless, it’s a colorless, a solid, and it’s soluble in organic solvents, but it’s poorly soluble in water. So these water, the thought process, and if it’s not soluble in water, it doesn’t get into the water, which is just not true. If you take a water bottle, fill it with water, lay it on a hot car seat, leave it in your car and on a, on a hot day, and then you kind of in a drink it. How many times have you done that?

Speaker 1: 11:44 And it tasted like plastic. So we get these chemicals in the water. So it does get in there, and this bpa specifically has been used since 1957, so it’s been around for a long time to understand the scope of how much bpa there is around in 2011, there were 10 billion pounds, 10 million, 10 billion pounds of BPA chemical synthesized for making these polycarbonate plastics and, and for other things, making it one of the highest volume of chemicals produced worldwide. So we make a lot of stuff and BPA leads the leads the pack. Now in the 19 thirties, again named Charles Edward Charles Dot, it started testing this. And I had actually heard at one point, which is one of the reasons I wanted to do this podcast. I had heard that it was developed as an estrogen. This, this, uh, this chemical, you know, because when we first discovered what estrogen was, we didn’t have a way to replace estrogen.

Speaker 1: 12:48 It wasn’t economical. We didn’t have a way to, to, to give someone estrogen. Um, so this guy, Edward Charles dod was a chemist and he tested it as an artificial estrogen. This particular chemical, what he found was that it was a very, very weak estrogen when he was measuring the, uh, estrogenic activity. Interestingly, he later developed des Diethylstilbestrol, which was later band because of birth defects and because of, uh, you know, uh, an or a cancer promoting things. So that’s just some of the work that he did. So we started looking at this and the night in the early 19 thirties as an artificial estrogen and remember that premarin. And do you remember pregnant? Mare’s urine? Exactly. Aka Horse Piss, horse piss. Sorry mom. I’m sorry. But that’s what it is that you know, then, yeah, premarin stands for pregnant Mare’s urine. So it comes from the urine of pregnant horses to where they got it.

Speaker 1: 13:53 Um, so, uh, the premarin was first identified in the late 19 thirties and that’s when we were able to start replacing estrogen in women as a hormone replacement therapy. So, I mean, this stuff has been around for a long time. It’s, it’s been a, it’s been in the environment for a long time and it’s just, I would, I mean, you know, as we said in the last 10 years or so that we’ve really started understanding the implications that this may be harmful to us. Um, so as far as safety goes, there’s some interesting things kind of worldwide. The European Union and Canada have banned BPA use in baby bottles. The FDA, you know, the American food and Drug Administration says BPA is safe at the current levels occurring in foods and I think that’s an important piece there. Uh, so it’s safe in the current law at the current levels occurring in foods.

Speaker 1: 14:48 We’re going to get more into that in just a second. And this is why I think some of the data on this stuff, like some physicians would look at this and say, well, it’s hogwash. It’s not a big deal. The FDA, of course, they always have our best interest and they take such good care of us and it, the, they’ve tested it and there’s no problem with this. We’re going to get a little bit more into that and why I disagree, not so much with that statement, but with the conclusion. I think it’s an erroneous conclusion. Um, so they’ve also said, uh, the FDA said BPA is a structural component in polycarbonate beverage bottles. It’s also a component in metal can coatings which protect the food from directly contacting metal surfaces. Now, interestingly, so that’s what, that’s what they say. It’s used for a. But the FDA has withdrawn their support from using BPA in baby bottles.

Speaker 1: 15:40 But interestingly, when you read the FDA straight misstatement is straight from the FDA’s website. It was withdrawn not because of a safety issue, which is I think is the issue. It was done from a market abandonment issue. So the consumer drives the market. No one was buying these baby bottles that contain BPA, so they quit using it in those things and because it was abandoned in that regard, the FDA withdrew support. It is straight from their website. I can’t make this up. It says it in black and white. There you can go do your own research. I just thought that was very interesting. February 2016 in France, they announced their intention to France to propose that BPA, bisphenol a, um, as a reach regulation candidate of substance of high concern, a very high concern, so I don’t remember what reached stands for, but it’s one of the regulatory agencies and so they think that this is one of those chemicals that of high concern and it should be on this list.

Speaker 1: 16:42 The Endocrine Society in Twenty 15 says that the result of ongoing lab research provided grounds for concern about potential hazards of endocrine disrupting chemicals including BPA in the environment. And then on the basis of the precautionary principle, these substances should continue to be assessed and tightly regulated. This is the endocrine society. So they looked at this and they said basically that that precautionary principle, that means until it’s proven safe, don’t use it. The problem is these chemicals aren’t proven anything and there is no proof that these chemicals cause cancer. There is no proof that they do, you know, they, they disrupt or they cause precocious puberty. There is no proof of any of these issues, but there is proof that they do work as an endocrine disruptor there. So why we are not more vigilant about this stuff is asinine and I believe it’s ultimately a political lobbying, uh, the financial components of major manufacturers and those kinds of things, which I think is sad because we’re talking about our health.

Speaker 1: 17:51 Uh, it’s just shocking to me. There was a, uh, a meeting, I think it was in 2015. It was called the, uh, the Chapel Hill, a consensus statement that they came out and said, Bpa at concentrations found in the human body. And remember I said in a minute ago that the FDA said that the BPA at current levels found in food. Okay. So if you test your food for BPA, they’re saying that these levels are safe. But there’s Chapel hill consensus statement said that BPA concentration is found in the human body, which is ultimately what we care about is associated with organizational changes. So it screws up the tissues and the prostate. Breast Tissues, I’m sorry, testes, mammary glands, body size, brain structure, and chemistry and behavior. Of Laboratory animals, so it messes up stuff and laboratory animals when given at the concentrations that we find in humans, so it’s not proven in humans, but it’s proven in laboratory animals at these concentrations, but no one’s going to do a study on humans

Speaker 3: 18:56 and it’s not the concentration in the food, the concentration that you’re ingesting, it’s potentially the accumulation that’s found in the body or.

Speaker 1: 19:04 Absolutely. Absolutely, and we’re going to talk a little bit more about how all it gets there because remember, 11 billion pounds of this stuff are made in 2015 alone. That’s an enormous amount of chemical that’s, that’s 5 million tons. It’s crazy.

Speaker 3: 19:25 So what I want to do is I want to take a quick break and then I want to talk about how it’s getting into the body at these concentrations and then what we can do to avoid it. I love it.

Speaker 2: 19:34 Are you tired and fatigued? Are you frustrated with doctors because they just don’t seem to listen? Do you want to fix your pain without surgery? If you answered yes to any of these questions and we are the clinic for you, we offer prolotherapy, PRP or platelet rich plasma therapy and stem cell injections, ivy nutritional therapies, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and functional medicine to get you back on track to optimal health, call our clinic at nine one eight, nine three, five, three, six, three, six. Or visit our to schedule your appointment today.

Speaker 3: 20:06 Okay, we are back and we’re here joined with Dr Chad Edwards and we’re talking about bp a Biz phenol a. yes, that’s, that’s him mail that I mailed it. Um, and so we’re talking about how the BPA becomes so concentrated within the body because what they found is that the concentrations inside the laboratory animals was actually causing significant effects, but the food was actually approved it certain concentration levels. So you found that foods were following the guidelines, but some way or another we’re at abnormal levels or unsafe levels of concentration. So yeah, basically you’re looking

Speaker 1: 20:48 at two different metrics. You’re looking at how much BPA is in food and then how much BPA is in humans. And when they found out how much bpa was in humans, they looked at the impact, of course they were not going to do human studies on this and give people a bunch of BPA and see when they die, which we do with animals that’s, you know, lethal dose. And they calculate that by the impact on animals, you know, right, wrong or indifferent, that’s just what it is. So the, um, the, at the levels that we find in the human body, those same levels in lab animals caused problems in all of those tissues that we discussed before the break. Now, the other piece of this is that the average BPA levels in people were above those that caused harm in many animals in all experiments.

Speaker 1: 21:36 So the levels that we have and people are shown to be a problem in lab animals. Okay. It just hadn’t been proven in humans yet. Now the issue is that these levels are higher than what we would expect based on our food exposure in these cans based on, you know, and, and, and bottles based on the FDA statements. So we’re getting this from somewhere else. So let’s, let’s talk a little bit, you know, and I think I said one of the most shocking things to me was that Bpa is in thermal receipts. So why in the world would you do that? When you say thermal receipts, where do we see these things? Um, anywhere you get a receipt. Okay. So thermal receipts just mean that they’re doing some kind of, some kind of laser thermal printing on the receipt. It’s a way that they print it when it’s not like a, it’s not like when you buy a microwave, although it may be when you buy a bike, but, but it’s not like thermal, it’s not any kind of special receipts.

Speaker 1: 22:34 Your standard received the way that the printed. That’s exactly right. Unless it’s the old school receipt that has that big roll and it goes through and it had like that dot matrix kind of blue ink or those kinds of things. The old ones. So these were talking about the ones that are all black, you know, I’m not, I can’t tell you the last time I saw one that wasn’t on thermal paper. Okay. It’s just the printer uses heat and it changes that into, uh, into the print. So the color developer in those things is BPA. Now, the interesting thing about this is in bottles in your, in your food bowls, in, you’re in all these polycarbonate plastics and things like that, that is a polymer. It’s or it’s mixed into the architecture of the plastic. So it’s linkedin that sounds like a good name for a social media site or something to somebody.

Speaker 1: 23:29 But um, so it’s, it’s Linkedin and with these receipts, this is free Bpa, meaning it doesn’t have to come out of, out of the matrix anywhere. You just touch it and you got BPA on your hands. So you are much more likely, again, not proven. I, let me, let me, let me clarify. I can’t prove that just because you touch these BPA receipts, that you’re going to have higher levels of BPA. I can’t prove that. I don’t think anyone’s done a study on that. I think it’d be very interesting and I can almost guarantee that would be the result, but I got to be careful about what I say. Um, my mom taught me, well, so you’re going to say some obviously going to say, well me is not a physician also. Then there you go. So the world, we get these receipts, you know, you come and you go to best buy and buy something, you go to dinner and you know, I would say is everywhere and we touch these things and we put them in our wallet or put them in the bag or whatever, and then you touch your face or you grab a piece of food and you stick it in your mouth and the BPA gets from your, from the receipt to your hand to your mouth and into your body.

Speaker 1: 24:44 And I would argue that that’s much of the way that we are getting BPA exposure. Simply because of, of that. I, I started thinking about where all I touch receipts and it’s everywhere. And then think about the poor cash register person. That or the, you know, your, your waitress, that’s all they’re doing. And they’re touching 100 receipts a day. And then how many times did they wash their hands after they touch a receipt? I wouldn’t, or an accountant. Oh, exactly. That’s crazy. That’s crazy. And so one of their like numbers crazy. Yeah, right. Yeah. That’s why a lot of BPA. So there is a lot of BPA in the environment and we have a lot of a BPA exposure. So one of the questions that I had when I saw all of this is how does it actually screw up the human physiology and why is it an inner inner critics rupture?

Speaker 1: 25:40 And the best we know is that it’s structurally similar to estrodial. We’ve talked before in many, in many podcasts about estrone estrodiol as trial. The three naturally occurring human estrogens and extra dial being the most potent in the primary estrogen is administrating years. And it’s structurally. BPA is structurally similar to estrodiol. And so it allows that structure, allows bpa to trigger some of these estrogenic pathways. Now remember when Dada started testing, uh, Edward Dodd’s, when he started testing a BPA, found that it was 37,000 times weaker than Estradiol at the estrogen receptor. Uh, but BPA does bind to Alpha and Beta estrogen receptor. And we talked about that many times. But the interesting, it’s also it binds to some other things. What’s your thought about? Just a second, but it’s considered a selective estrogen receptor modulator or a serm a which look into the immigrant stuff about serves very interesting.

Speaker 1: 26:42 There’s cancer information anticancer in front of all kinds of stuff and also at high doses. BPA also binds to androgen receptors. Now we’ve talked before about every single vet that I’ve measured, their testosterone level, every one of them, 100 percent of the ones that I’ve tested a selection bias because only the ones that have problems coming to see me, but every one of them that I’ve tested, their testosterone is low. One hundred percent, myself included. And I wondered why. Now I. I can’t prove this, I don’t know this, but you know, we talked about taking that, that water bottle and filling it up and landed on the front seat in your car. When I was in Iraq, we drank all of our water from a bottled, from bottled water. They. They produced it there. I can’t remember if they use reverse osmosis. I don’t remember exactly how they produced it, but it went into these large bottles that they would put on a pallet and package it up and they would bring it onto our little special operations compound.

Speaker 1: 27:47 And right outside my aid station I had a couple of pallets of these water bottles and we would take the water bottles and fill them. Are these individuals are like big tanks now. They’re individual bottles there about uh, I think there were one liter bottles. Okay. Uh, so we would, uh, we would take, take them off of that pallet and put them into our refrigerator and fill up a refrigerator with nothing but water bottles because nobody likes tasting a hot water that tastes like a plastic bottle because you know, where we kept those in the sun in Iraq in 126 degree weather in a, on just on a pallet, on a pallet with absolutely no sun cover with nothing else. So. And it tasted like plastic every time. So did that cause low testosterone in me or any of my guys? I have no idea.

Speaker 1: 28:35 I can’t prove it, but I just think it’s interesting and I think is one of the potentials for that endocrine disruption and I don’t think there were bpa bottles, but still there, there are many plastics that have indication disruption capabilities and again, can’t ever prove it, but it’s just a question and every single deployment that myself or any of my guys, uh, went on, uh, almost all of them drinking bottled water that’s set out in the sun. I mean, it’s that same paradigm, you know, all over the place. It’s just interesting to me. I, again, I can’t prove it. Don’t know. I just think it’s interesting. So, um, the, um, there are a couple of other estrogen receptor kinds of things. I won’t spend too much time on it because I can talk about this stuff all day long, but I do think it’s important to understand there are a couple of other estrogen receptors.

Speaker 1: 29:28 There’s one that’s an estrogen related receptor, gamma or an err gamma. A that is a nuclear receptor, just like the Alpha and the Beta and a BPA binds to this receptor of note Tamoxifen. It’s an anticancer, a united type breast cancer drug, and a des Redial. They’ll still best role, which we mentioned earlier, a binds to this receptor and they deactivate the Tamoxifen and the des deactivate this estrogen related a receptor gamma, but BPA binds to that same receptor as I mentioned, but it binds, slurp strongly. Interestingly, estrogen does not bind to that receptor and it binds. It doesn’t bind strongly anyway. A bba binds more than twice as strong as extra dial. But the interesting thing to me is that it activates estrogen related receptor gamma. He rrg whereas Tamoxifen and des are trying to turn it off. So e, e R R, g, that estrogen related receptor gamma is, um, is being protected by BPA from the effects of Tamoxifen.

Speaker 1: 30:45 And remember, Tamoxifen is supposed to have anticancer effect. So this is one of the other mechanisms by which these BPA or endocrine disruptor chemicals could promote cancer. I’m not saying they do promote cancer, I’m just saying it’s a potential mechanism by which it could. Uh, and then also BPA is oxidized as part of the metabolism. And some of the metabolites are also a estrogenic. They had the, some of the similar effects and so the metabolized, we’re metabolizing it. It could also be causing some disruption. There’s one other receptors that we’ll talk about. It’s the g protein coupled estrogen receptor one or the jeep or a receptor yet. You remember that one? Oh yeah. Mom, anything. Nope. So, so this one is activated by Estrodiol and it’s responsible for many of the rapid effects that we see of estrodial because it’s not one of those nuclear receptors.

Speaker 1: 31:43 And then the nuclear receptor, it causes the gene transcription change turns genes on turn genes off, you know, effects that thing. And that stuff takes time. With this one, it’s a g coupled protein which can happen like in the blink of an eye kind of thing. Um, and this stuff is expressed in breast tissue. It’s activated by Estrodiol and it promotes cell proliferation and normal and malignant cells. So the estrogen receptor is it, it’s the main receptor for estrogen mediated breast tissue cancer. I Brown started breast tissue growth, I should say, uh, the jeep, jeep or, and the Alpha estrogen receptor mediate antidepressant effects of extra dots. So we know that extra dollar can have some antidepressant effects so it can promote mood and things like that and cheaper and the estrogen receptor Alpha have an effect on that. The Beta does not ever plays a role in breast cancer progression and Tomoxifen resistance.

Speaker 1: 32:46 We talked about that Tomoxifin piece. It is a possible biomarker of triple negative breast cancer. So the the triple negative meaning that they don’t have the estrogen receptors, progesterone receptors, those kinds of things, and those, it tends to be a very aggressive tumor. So because that jeeper or the g protein coupled estrogen receptor is a possible biomarker for that cancer, it makes me wonder is there a role of that receptor or have activation of that thing in breast cancer and BPA has an effect on this as well. So there are just a lot of potential effects of the estrogen receptors, BPA, endocrine disruption, those. I think the potential tidal wave from this stuff is huge and most people don’t even know and it’s. It’s sad. So one of the things that you teased right before we went to the break, because we’re going to talk about how, what to do, you know, what do we do about this stuff?

Speaker 1: 33:46 Yeah. So the first role or the first thing that we have to do anytime we’re exposed to a toxin or a poison is remove the poison. So we’ve got to avoid this stuff as much as we can and when you look at where we find Bpa, it is everywhere and it is incredibly difficult to avoid. But you know, if you’re a, if you are an accountant, maybe you wear gloves because you can’t avoid the receipts, but maybe you wear latex gloves while you’re dealing with those things. Um, you know, might get laughed at, but at least you won’t have man boobs or something like that. Or You could just get your receipts emailed to you. You could do that. I’m so into that fad. Yeah. I don’t know if it’s a fad, but. Yeah, I love that option though. Well, and it, it makes you kind of cool.

Speaker 1: 34:32 Yeah, it does. I agree. Um, the, uh, you know, you could use high quality water filters that will filter some of this stuff out, you know, avoid those polycarbonate bottles that have bpa in them. And then the last thing, and this is probably where we focus most in our clinic is on detoxifying and there are multiple nutritional things that you can do. There are supplements that you can take. So Glucoraphanin, which is a broccoli seed extract, that stuff’s the intellectual property of Johns Hopkins has over 400 studies showing it’s anticancer effect, its benefit on the human body. This is great stuff and it comes from Broccoli seed, which is difficult to get from a fresh broccoli. And so you’re at great, great, great stuff. Very potent anticancer, good stuff. I’m taking something like turmeric or Curcumin, these have anti inflammatory effects, good for detoxification and things.

Speaker 1: 35:24 Diane don’t, methane or dem, a very good at helping to optimize the way we metabolize estrogens. And then one of the supplement companies that I highly recommend is, I imagine it’s, there are other good companies, but zymogens the one I, I tend to gravitate to and Zena protects. I have seen some great results with Zena protects and that’s one of their specific supplements, got all kinds of stuff and it’s got turmeric, it’s got glue graphing and it’s got a diagonal methane. It’s got all Alpha lipoic acid silymarin or milk thistle. It’s got all kinds of things. It that just help to detoxify not only a bpa but many of these endocrine disruptors and these Xeno estrogens that we get in our environment. So, so first and foremost, avoid everything, right? Avoid everything. You just got to avoid all BPA because it, it, it happened. So in so many places.

Speaker 1: 36:17 So it brings a, actually you and one of maybe your habits, um, as actually brought this up is what would you recommend for people that do like to drink, uh, from the water bottles or drink water? Yeah. So I actually love this and I actually have them in my clinic now. I’m just waiting on the, uh, on my, on my logo on them. But these Arctic or Yeti style stainless steel cups, you’re not gonna get any chemicals. As long as you wash it out, you’re in, you’re not going to get chemicals from that. Uh, they, it sounds like I’m promoting these cups. I mean, I love them because they keep your, you know, cold beverages cold, you’re hot beverages hot. In fact, I had a, it was a camel back, but it was the, you know, the double stainless steel walled vacuum kind of deal.

Speaker 1: 37:06 And I filled up that, that bottle camel bag bottle and at Fort Campbell and put ice water in it. And then I also put it in kind of another sleep I drank out of a little bit, but it was still a neoprene sleeve that I slid it into in my backpack. And we left Fort Campbell on a 17, stopped in Rota, Spain, and uh, actually stayed several hours, slept, you know, all those things. And then flew to, uh, to credit Iraq and in Iraq I pulled that bottle out and it still had ice in it. That’s amazing. That’s pretty amazing. I love that. It’s pretty cool. And you’re not going to get chemicals from it. So great idea. These stainless steel Arctic getty style cups. Awesome, love them, and that’s a way to avoid bpa from those plastic water bottles. They have them and Luke, warm water and lukewarm water.

Speaker 1: 37:59 If the listeners want to go learn anything more about BPA or revolution health, where do they go? Revolution Health Dot Org. Certainly listened to the podcast against the grain Also on itunes and or you can call our clinic at nine. One, eight, nine, three, five, three, six, three, six. Dr Edwards, thank you so much for today and your knowledge that most people did not get in college about Bpa, so no college knowledge, no college knowledge about va but against the grain knowledge. That’s right, man. I appreciate you. Thanks for doing such a solid job. Appreciate it. Talk to you guys next time. Bye. Thanks for listening to this week’s podcast with Dr Chad it tune in next week where we’ll be going against the grain.