The CardioHealth Programs

checking heartbeat
February 22, 2019

There is a killer lurking within your body and you probably don’t even know its there.

Cardiovascular disease is the #1 cause of death in the United States for men and women. It kills more people than all forms of cancer combined. In 2010, there were 788,000 deaths caused by cardiovascular disease in the United States. Cardiovascular disease accounts for 1/3 of all deaths in the country.1

The annual cost of heart disease is over $320 billion dollars. In order to understand the implications of this number, let’s break it down a little further. That is 2200 deaths from cardiovascular disease EVERY DAY! Can you imagine a Boeing 747 filled with people, crashing into the ground every 4 and a half hours? Just imagine the outcry. Do you think you’d EVER get on a 747 jet? Not on your life!

Most people have no idea they have cardiovascular disease. It is a silent killer.

John’s Story

You’ve got to listen to John’s story. He never thought he’d have a heart attack. He even received frequent stress tests, got his cholesterol checked, and went to his doctor. He thought he was doing everything right.

Did you hear him and his wife? They thought they were protected because of eating “healthy”, exercising regularly, going to the doctor, getting cholesterol checked, etc. But they missed it!

In fact, more than 50% of people having a heart attack have normal cholesterol.2 Also, more than half the people studied have cardiovascular disease even if they aren’t diabetic, obese, and don’t smoke.3 The point is that many people have a false sense of security because they think they are health.

Andrea’s Story

In case you think that heart attacks are only in men or only in people over the age of 65, here is Andrea’s story. She is 42 years old and had no idea she had cardiovascular disease. That is, until she had a heart attack. Her story is another one where she thought she was healthy and was blindsided by cardiovascular disease.

Bob Harper

Just consider Bob Harper. This guy was a celebrity personal trainer on NBC’s “The Biggest Loser.” He was 51 years old and extremely fit. He also thought he was healthy. He went to the gym in February, 2017 and was working out with some friends. At the end of his workout he collapsed. It took about a minute for those around him to figure out there was a real problem. Fortunately, there was a medical student in the gym who began performing CPR and an AED was placed on his chest. He was “shocked” a couple of times and taken to the hospital. Their actions saved his life.

I had the opportunity to meet Bob Harper once several years ago. 2013 to be exact.

Bob Harper & Dr Chad Edwards functional medicine TulsaIt is amazing that he had no idea that he had any cardiovascular disease whatsoever yet fell over, unconscious due to a massive heart attack. If he had been at home alone he would be dead and there would have been no way to prevent it. Identifying cardiovascular disease BEFORE it is a problem is the ONLY solution! If you listen to the videos, note that they say over and over to get checked out by a physician.

The problem is that traditional screening isn’t enough.

Heart Disease “Gap”

We think that if you don’t smoke, aren’t diabetic, aren’t obese, have normal blood pressure, and have normal cholesterol then you are low risk for cardiovascular disease. The stories above tell a different story. As mentioned above, traditional cardiovascular disease evaluation is marginal at best. We miss 50% of all people at risk for cardiovascular disease by measuring the 5 traditional risk factors for heart attack and stroke. This is what we call the Coronary Heart Disease Gap. The traditional approach has reached a plateau with what it can do to identify and prevent cardiovascular disease. We will never get better unless we begin to look at things differently and use different tools and parameters.

The Progression of Early Subclinical Atherosclerosis (PESA) Study[3]

The PESA study evaluated 4,184 people without conventional conventional cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs). This means that these people didn’t smoke, had blood pressure less than 140/90 (and not on medication), non-diabetic fasting blood sugar, LDL less than 160, and an HDL of greater than or equal to 40. They even had a subgroup of “optimal cardiovascular risk factors” where blood pressure was less than 120/80, fasting blood sugar was less than 100, A1c was less than 5.7%, and total cholesterol was less than 200.

They evaluated these patients with ultrasound of the carotid, iliofemoral, and abdominal plaques; coronary artery calcification score (CACS), serum biomarkers, and lifestyle. They found that 49.7% of these participants had subclinical atherosclerosis (plaque in their arteries). In their conclusion, they stated “Many CVRF-free middle-aged individuals have atherosclerosis. LDL-C, even at levels currently considered normal, is independently associated with the presence and extent of early systemic atherosclerosis in the absence of major CVRFs.”][etpbrow 

The CardioHealth Programs

We clearly aren’t doing enough to identify and treat cardiovascular disease. It is a huge problem and nobody is immune. I don’t want to have a heart attack so I started making some changes for myself. Then, I attended a lecture by Dr Mark Houston, a National expert in integrative cardiology. His lecture changed my life and I knew I needed to change my approach to cardiovascular medicine. I received his Integrative Cardiology Certification after a year of intensive education and study.

Through this program I developed this CardioHealth Programs. These programs are unlike anything else available in Oklahoma. This testing is simply not available anywhere else in this area. This is the most comprehensive cardiovascular evaluation program available and I believe EVERYONE should get this testing at least once.”][etpbrow

3 Options for Cardiovascular Disease Risk Screening:

CardioHealth 101:

  • 3 simple, non-invasive, quick tests
  • Very cost-effective
  • For those at lower risk for cardiovascular disease
  • Read here for a full description of CardioHealth 101

CardioHealth Advanced:

  • Expanded testing for those at higher risk for cardiovascular disease
  • Extremely cost effective
  • Evaluates cardiac health as well as peripheral arterial disease
  • Calculates 5-year risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Read here for a full description of the CardioHealth Advanced program

CardioHealth Platinum:

Are you scared that you could have a heart attack? Does the fact that the traditional “risk based” approach to screening misses 50% of people with cardiovascular disease? If so, then THIS is the program for you!

The CardioHealth Platinum program is the best cardiovascular disease screening program in this area.

  • Includes everything in the CardioHealth 101 and CardioHealth Advanced plus…
  • Complete cardiovascular disease assessment
  • Metabolic, genetic, nutrition evaluation
  • Comprehensive hypertension evaluation
  • Evaluates potential toxins
  • Body composition analysis (BIA)
  • Digital Pulse Wave analysis (DPA)
  • Autonomic nervous system evaluation
  • And much more…

These programs evaluate your risk factors for cardiovascular disease, genetic predisposition, cardiovascular function, and structural cardiovascular disease. They evaluate the health of your cardiovascular system across the entire paradigm of cardiovascular disease. This type of evaluation allows us to identify cardiovascular disease at its earliest point. When we identify a cardiovascular problem and its underlying cause we are able to accurately intervene as well as track our progress. You owe it to yourself and your family to know your risk and work to decrease your risk. Schedule your CardioHealth assessment today!

If you want to know how to comprehensively address cardiovascular disease, decrease its presence, or prevent it from occurring then read about how to Improve Cardiovascular Disease.”][etpbrow _


  1. NHLBI fact book, fiscal year 2012. Bethesda, MD: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, February 2013. NHLBI Fact Book Cardiovascular Disease statistics.
  2. Sachdeva A, Cannon CP, Deedwania PC, Labresh KA, Smith SC Jr, Dai D, Hernandez A, Fonarow GC. Lipid levels in patients hospitalized with coronary artery disease: an analysis of 136,905 hospitalizations in Get With The Guidelines. Am Heart J. 2009 Jan;157(1):111-117.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.ahj.2008.08.010. Epub 2008 Oct 22.
  3. Leticia Fernández-Friera, Valentín Fuster, Beatriz López-Melgar, Belén Oliva, José M. García-Ruiz, José Mendiguren, Héctor Bueno, Stuart Pocock, Borja Ibáñez, Antonio Fernández-Ortiz and Javier Sanz. Normal LDL-Cholesterol Levels Are Associated With Subclinical Atherosclerosis in the Absence of Risk Factors. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Volume 70, Issue 24, December 2017 DOI: 10.1016/j.jacc.2017.10.024

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