Revolution Health & Wellness

Podcast 15 – Get Your O Back

Podcast 15 - Get Your O Back

Women get your orgasm back


Dr. Chad: This is Dr. Chad Edwards and you’re listening to podcast number 15 of Against the Grain.


[background music]


Dr. Chad: Are you tired and fatigued? Are you frustrated with doctors because they don’t listen? Do you want to fix your pain without surgery? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we are the clinic for you. We offer Tulsa Prolotherapy, PRP, stem cell, IV nutritional therapies, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement therapy and function medicine to get you back on track to optimal health.


Call our clinic, Revolution Health and Wellness Clinic at 918 935-3636 or visit our website at to schedule an appointment today.


Presenter: Welcome to Against the Grain podcast. Dr. Chad Edwards where he challenges the status quo when it comes to medicine. We get into hot topics in the medical field with real stories from real patients to help you on your way to a healthy lifestyle. Get ready because we’re about to go. Against the Grain. Tulsa Prolotherapy


Brian: This is Brian Wokes here back again with the one and only, Dr. Chad Edwards. How are you doing, doctor?


Dr. Chad: If I was already better, I’d be twins.


Brian: There you go.


Dr. Chad: I start up to save the vitamin when then I got banished-


Brian: [laughs] On the last episode.


Dr. Chad: So I’m not doing that.


Brian: Yes, I got it. Well, I’m pretty excited about the show.


Dr. Chad: It’s exciting.


Brian: It is exciting. I don’t know if our listeners are ready for it.


Dr. Chad: [laughs] I don’t know if we’re ready for this.


Brian: This is episode 15, right?


Dr. Chad: That’s right.


Brian: I feel like we’re taking a major stride from 14 to 15. We’re about to blow people’s minds. Right?


Dr. Chad: Boom.


Brian: Bam. I would say that this episode is going to be the highest-rated episode of all time. What I mean by all time is the prior 14 episodes.




Dr. Chad: You’re probably right.


Brian: Right?


Dr. Chad: We are setting the bar high here.


Brian: We are setting the bar. We do have ace before we give the topic. Okay?


Dr. Chad: Yes.


Brian: Let’s introduce our special guest today. I’m excited about our guest.


Dr. Chad: Let’s do it. We have with us today the one and only, Courtney. Tulsa Prolotherapy


Brian: Which may or may not be the topic.


Dr. Chad: May or may not.


Brian: May not. She’s a very smart person.


Dr. Chad: I think she’s smarter than you and I put together.


Brian: I would say-


Courtney: I don’t know by that.


Dr. Chad: [laughs]


Brian: That was Courtney by the way.


Courtney: It’s possible.


Brian: Courtney, do you want to comment on that officially?


Courtney: I will not officially comment since doc is my boss.


Brian: He’s your boss.


Dr. Chad: Like a boss.


Courtney: Like a boss.


Brian: Okay. Courtney, let me ask you a question before we get into topic because I want you to introduce the topic. Okay?


Courtney: Okay.


Brian: For legal reasons for Chad and I. Okay?


Courtney: Does that mean your wives?


Dr. Chad: Yes, probably.


Brian: That means our wives, yes. It is exactly right. Tell me Dr. Chad, does Courtney have permission today to literally say whatever she wants without you holding it against her? Tulsa Prolotherapy


Dr. Chad: Yes.


Brian: Yes. There you go, Courtney.


Dr. Chad: That’s what this podcast is about.


Brian: Courtney, what are we talking about today?


Presenter: Hot topic.


Courtney: We are going to get real today. We are going to talk about low sex drive in women. Tulsa Prolotherapy


Brian: In women because most men don’t have that, right?


Courtney: Most men do not have that problem.


Brian: Yes.


Courtney: But they do if their wives have that problem.


Brian: Wait, explain that to me. Walk that out for me.


Courtney: Do I need to walk that?


Brian: No. Legal reasons. We got-


Dr. Chad: To be clear-


Brian: Yes, let’s be clear.


Dr. Chad: -it can be an issue in men and don’t feel ashamed about it but that’s one of the things that we can address. That’s a male problem. It can be multi-factorial but any way, we’re focusing specifically on women which my experience, I’m talking about professionally, not at all am I referring to my private life. My experience is that low sex drive in a relationship is generally coming from the female, the woman. That’s been my experience, again, professionally. Tulsa Prolotherapy


Brian: I think that’s safe. I don’t know if we need to google any statistics today. I will say before we get started in the detail of all this, between the three of us and Marshall too, we have a safety word. We have ‘pineapple’. If you hear the word pineapple on the show, that means someone’s feeling unsafe.


Dr. Chad: We got to back off.


Courtney: Someone got awkward.


Brian: Yes, someone got awkward. I can only guess who that might be, Marshall. Anyway-




Dr. Chad: Pineapple.


Brian: Pineapple. That’s the key word to move on. Let’s get more clinical about this. What is the underlining cause, Courtney and Dr. Chad, as if I wouldn’t know anything about this of low sex drive in women?


Courtney: Oh men, such a good question. I really get a lot of patients, a lot of females coming in with this problem. Some of it can definitely be relationship issues. I definitely don’t want to undermine those but a lot of women tired, low testosterone, they’d been on birth control before. We’ll explain how that affects sex drive but a big issue nonetheless.


Brian: How big is it? I think we have some statistics here, Dr. Chad?


Dr. Chad: Do I have the statistics?


Brian: You know this is — we’re a part of all-


Courtney: Well, there are unofficially official statistics. I just would say a good 98% of my patients come in and complain a low sex drive. Some of them ironically enough, some of them come in for that but then a lot of them — you know we’re in the Bible belt so a hot topic, a questionable topic for women. All of the time, it’s me pointing out to them that, “Hey.” This is going on and-


Brian: How do you do that? [laughs]


Courtney: How do you do that?


Brian: They come in for like a headache.


Courtney: I give them some warmup questions before I get there. I give them my experience. 98% of the women come in to our office have low sex drive-


Brian: Wow.


Courtney: -and/or difficult to reaching orgasm which maybe the big route right there.


Brian: What do you say, Dr. Chad?


Dr. Chad: I don’t know anything about that.


Brian: You usually the one to talk to the show.


Dr. Chad: Well, that hadn’t been a-


Brian: [laughs]


Courtney: Been his issue.


Dr. Chad: I think professionally.


Courtney: Probably, that’s never been his issue.


Dr. Chad: No.


Brian: Okay.


Courtney: [laughs]


Brian: They come in to your office. They tell you they have low sex drive or they don’t but you pulled it out of them. What’s the next step?


Courtney: Well, just talking through that. In all of the times, getting the patient to guide through, okay, there’s no relationship issue. Really asking them real questions about their sleep, their exercise habits and their diet can lead to a lot of information, history of medications if they’ve used antidepressants, birth control, that kind of thing. And getting them to be honest with me, “Can you reach orgasm? Is that an issue?” If it is, get on a different path with helping them get that better. Because if it’s good, we’re going to want them have more sex.


Brian: What is a healthy sex life?


Courtney: Is that a fair question to have?


Brian: It is a fair question because how do you know if you’re diagnosing someone with a low sex drive. What’s the healthy outcome? Is it all just perception?


Courtney: To a big extent, I would say yes. A lot of my patients will say, “Well, I don’t mind but my husband would really love it if you would fix that.” That clues you in to there’s a tug of war in the relationship that the woman is not wanting to have it as much as the man. Some of them would just come out and say like, “I could care less. Whenever I was younger or before I had kids or whatever it might be, I wanted to have sex all the time but now I don’t and it’s causing the problem. It could be better.”


Brian: Right.


Dr. Chad: I think the issue is a mismatch between the man and the woman.


Courtney: That’s true.


Dr. Chad: If there’s couples out there that are having sex once a month and they’re both happy with it, then what’s the problem?


Brian: To get point, the man wants more and the woman-


Dr. Chad: It’s one, there’s a mismatch. I’ve seen it where the woman has a higher sex drive than the man.


Brian: You have.


Dr. Chad: I have.


Brian: Once for the last ten years.


Dr. Chad: Not, it’s actually been — there’s been several.


Brian: Really?


Dr. Chad: It’s not nearly as uncommon as you would think. But again, the vast majority it’s generally the female with a lower sex drive. That’s generally the case in what I’ve seen and also, it’s much more multi-factorial. Men, it certainly there can be psychological issues but the effects of their testosterone levels and their stress and all those-


Brian: They’re ready to go.


Dr. Chad: It’s almost like men have one-track mind while they have one-track hormone-


Courtney: Women, way more complicated.


Dr. Chad: Way more complicated.


Courtney: Way, way, way.


Brian: Courtney, explain that to us. How are women more complicated? I’m serious about this. A lot of our listeners are out there.


Courtney: I always joke with women like, “I can’t make your husband pick up his dirty socks off the floor and put his dishes in the dishwasher because for a lot of women, really probably for all women, sex is a love language for them, it’s not just an orgasm is not just quick and go on, move on with my day. It means something more to them. If they’re frustrated with them not getting their love language back, if a woman’s love language is acts of service or gifts or whatever, not getting these things in return, then sometimes there can be some frustration in their relationship from that perspective.


Brian: Some of the things I’m looking on the sheet here as if I know anything about it, are there hormonal issues associated or antidepressants and all of these things? If it’s a matter of a more emotional love connection, are those things affected by imbalance of hormones or antidepressants, et cetera?


Courtney: Absolutely. That’s definitely the case that we’re seeing more and more. I just kind of like, “Bizarre here, let’s just google. Let’s see what information is out there on the great Internet about sex drive in women.” The first thing that pops up is a post from Mayo Clinic giving out some information and they list a handful of issues as cause.


This is where we’ll tie in the going Against the Grain here because I think that they got some of the marks right but miss a lot of it. They list out lifestyle issues such as alcohol intake, street drugs, medications including antidepressant which is absolutely true, medical problems, diabetes, high blood pressure, some relationship issues.


They really only mentioned hormone disturbance in one time and they listed it as breast feeding or pregnancy or menopause. To be quite honest, most of my patients come in with low sex drive are in their late 20s, 30s. It’s happening way younger than menopause. It’s really not necessarily maybe having after babies but it’s not necessarily associated straight with pregnancy.


Dr. Chad: Right. Yes, to tag on to that, what does that say about a woman if it’s breast feeding or menopause but you’re having a low sex drive and it’s a problem in your relationship. It’s like, “I’m 30 years old. I’m not menopausal. What is that saying? It’s almost like it’s a black eye that there’s something screwed up about me that I’d been in?”


Some women desperately want to please their husband but they just couldn’t care less. Then it sets up this internal emotional thing. With men and performance things idea, sexual performance things idea, if you can’t get an erection at the appropriate time, then it can be a little bit harder next time because it’s like, “Is it going to happen?”


Brian: Right.


Courtney: You’re nervous.


Dr. Chad: It can certainly compound the problems. I just think that from a medical community and I think, Courtney, one of the things that you’re big on is that this is not well-addressed in the medical community. We just don’t address this well.


Courtney: Yes. It’s upsetting, it’s frustrating but we’re turning the tide on this at Revolution where we’re making changes for women that they can feel comfortable coming in and being honest about where they’re at and really getting help in getting good, accurate help, not just getting another pill. That’s a lot of what I’m hearing is, “Hey, I talked to my OB about this, my gynecologist about this. Really, what they’re recommended was an antidepressant and I’m not interested in another pill.”


Really for them, well, that’s totally backwards because that’s also a cause of low sex drive. It’s funny to me. It’s probably more men gynecologist than it is women giving that answer but I just think that there’s not good information on what to do about it. No one means — I don’t think any of the physicians mean harm that are offering an antidepressant or ignoring the issue. They just simply don’t know where to begin.


Brian: Well, I think I’ll add to that. I think culturally especially in the mid-West, in the b-Bible belt as we talked about earlier, there is a taboo around the word sex. I think one of the things that Revolution does well is not just sex but there’s a culture of openness around your office about issues that people normally wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about.


I also think it’s difficult to talk about these issues at church or in your social group but I think it’s unique that A, that you have the kind of office, that environment that welcomes that. Right? That people shouldn’t be ashamed. Not only you’re doing that but you have a global podcast [laughs]-


Dr. Chad: Exactly.


Brian: -on the subject so that it’s pretty awesome.


Dr. Chad: Our goals are to optimize how people look, feel, and perform in every area. That’s relationship in general. It’s a big deal. I know something that you said a second ago, Courtney, made me think of it that in many or maybe you said, Brian, but many men use sex to increase intimacy. For women, sex is an expression of the intimacy that’s already there. In other words, you don’t-


Courtney: Absolutely true.


Dr. Chad: I don’t want to say ignore your spouse — but you can be gone all day long and you come home and you’re like, “Hey, let’s have sex and that’s going to increase our intimacy.” For women, it’s like, “No. That doesn’t increase intimacy. It’s an expression of the intimacy that’s already there.”


Brian: This God of the universe planned it well, didn’t he?


Dr. Chad: [laughs]


Courtney: It’s true.


Brian: He planned it well.


Courtney: And make you work for it.


Brian: Yes. You got to spend time with her, you got to love her. Right?


Dr. Chad: That’s right.


Brian: Talk to me about some of the common — I don’t know if you saw this on Google, Courtney, what are some of the common treatments for female low sex drives that are good or bad or ugly?


Courtney: Well, good, bad and ugly. Antidepressants are being given. There’s a brand new drug called Addy and we could really do a totally separate podcast on that drug altogether. Maybe we’ll pull that out one day but this is funny to me, sex therapy counseling. Not that that’s not invalid but I just can’t see a lot of people getting in line to go to a sex therapist at least around here.


Brian: Yes, like what are they doing at a place like that? What’s the-


Courtney: I’m not sure.


Brian: They teach you what to do?


Courtney: Maybe. I’m not sure. Pineapple.


Brian: Pineapple.


Courtney: [laughs]


Brian: Pineapple.




Brian: Okay. I love it. Okay, fine, Courtney, let’s move on.


Courtney: Estrogen by pill, patch or spray or gel which oh man synthetic, lots of risks with that. They report to [unintelligible 00:15:33] be controversial and not approved by the FDA which in enlisted as an alternative medicine. It’s just funny altogether because when you really look at someone’s lab work that’s experiencing the symptoms, a lot times this is a big one that comes up is low testosterone.


In all reality if you’re using Bioidentical and keeping everything safe and monitoring levels, your risks are really low and all the people’s health overall dramatically improves if we get that testosterone levels within normal range even for women.


Dr. Chad: Since you mentioned testosterone, obviously we’d work with hormones a lot at Revolution and we utilize testosterone quite a bit. We’ll also utilize things like cortisone, cortisol, hydrocortisone, steroids and so many people, when they hear, “I’m going on steroids. I’m going on hydrocortisone. That I’m on steroids,” that’s viewed negatively.


Some people think that they’re going to have — like with when we’re using hydrocortisone, they’ll think about like a patient with rheumatoid arthritis or severe asthmatic exacerbations that are on steroids all the time and have all this negative effects of steroids.


The issue is that when you’re putting someone on steroids for those conditions, you’re not getting optimal physiologic levels. You’re going above the physiologic levels. You’re not using it physiologically, you’re using it pharmaceutically. In the case of testosterone, many women may hear that in real bad in, “I don’t want to grow hair on my face and I don’t want to get bulky and muscular.”


Courtney: Until you have the best orgasm of your life.


Dr. Chad: [laughs] Boom. There you go.


Brian: Boom. Pineapple.


Dr. Chad: We’re talking-




Dr. Chad: -about replacing what’s not there. We’re not talking about getting women’s testosterone levels up to 300 and creating all these kind of problems.


Courtney: It’s true.


Dr. Chad: It’s not there, replace it.


Brian: Courtney, what are some of the non-HIPA violation story time things that we can do.


Dr. Chad: HIPA; Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.


Brian: Okay.


Courtney: Thank you for reminding me them.




Courtney: All right so I got a little patient story here for you. Keep in mind that I get a lot — I shouldn’t say a lot — a fair amount come in, begging me to help them stop faking orgasm. If that is you, well, come see us. We can totally help. We’ve had patients from their 20s all the way up to their 70s coming through. For a variety of causes, from having hysterectomies where your cervix is removed then that removes some nerve endings and we can give cream to help, some treatment help with that but a lot of things that we can do. I’ve got a little patient story.


34-year old female came in for fatigue. We went through her symptoms and whenever I brought up low libido, she said, “Yes, it’s definitely low. I definitely used to be more interested than I am.” And once again laughs and says, “My husband would be so grateful.” She’d been on Centroid for low thyroid, history of birth control use, currently off birth control.


Since having her second kiddo, three to four years prior, she had noticed that she was anxious, increased headaches before menstrual cycles, having menses, like I said, low libido, difficulty losing weight, chronic constipations, just a lot of things going on.


Brian: Wow.


Courtney: She did mention that mild difficulty reaching orgasm. We went ahead and ran labs on her, look at her thyroid. Her TSH was borderline high according to the standard ranges which is at a 4.2 which that’s another podcast I think we already touched on.


Dr. Chad: Yes, we touched on it a little bit. There will be more in the future.


Brian: Well, let’s do this. Let’s take a short break. Okay?


Courtney: Okay.


Brian: Then let’s dig in into the story. We’ll be right back.


[background music]


Dr. Chad: Upper Cervical Health Centers is not your typical chiropractic office, different and then they never jerk, twist, snap or correct your spine. They offer a gentle approach to address your health issues naturally. Their patients report an improvement of over 75% in their overall health. There are so much more than a neck and back pain relief clinic. Call 918-742-2300 or visit their website at for a special offer on your first visit. Find your way back to health with Upper Cervical Health Centers.


[background music]

Brian: We’re back here with Brian Wilkes here, Dr. Chad Edwards and Courtney. Courtney, you were right in the middle of the non-hippo violation story time. Talking about a 34 year old female that came in for fatigue and these kind of things. Low sex drive right?

Courtney: Right. Looked at her lab work when we got that back. TSH was 4.2, kind of borderline high for the standard range. 3T4, 3T3, kind of mid to low range, reverse T3 was high; Vitamin D was low at 26. Progesterone was low at 0.6 that was I believe the saliva testing. Testosterone was 12. We started her on progesterone, 25 mg, days 13 to 26 of her cycle and started her on a formulation that I call cuddle cream. There’s has been a lot of fun names that have gone around about that — scream cream.

Dr. Chad: That’s my favorite.

Courtney:  I wanted to call it wristorg,

Brian: I know this is-

Courtney:  That’s what I wanted to call it.

Brian: I know this is very funny for you guys, but for Marshall and I we have zero idea of what you’re talking about. Cuddle cream.

Courtney: Okay, cuddle cream. It’s a combination of some basic dilators. It has the generic of Viagra, I would say that?

Dr. Chad: Yes.

Brian: For a woman?

Courtney:  It has some testosterone in it yet. You apply it topically.

Dr. Chad: You put it on the labia and the clitoris.

Brian: You said that? Pineapple.

Courtney: OMG.

Brian: Oh my gosh. Our ratings increased again.

Courtney: Yes. You do that daily for a couple weeks and then I had her just go to three to four times a week. You can use it prior to intercourse, you can use in the morning.

Brian: This is something cool and I don’t even know about. Right?

Courtney:  Right your wife is coming to see me next week, isn’t she?

Brian: Yes. She is your first appointment on Monday.


Courtney: Okay, so, we switched her to natural desiccated thyroid and bumped her Vitamin D, B12, metafolics all of that and of course we did the basics. Chad always talks about this. Diet, get heath. Got her on some maintenance basic things a probiotic Omega, multi-vitamin. We followed her along 8 weeks later, totally improved better anxiety, less headaches, mood, energy was better and she was just like — honestly giggling like sex was actually good again.

I just can’t tell you honestly how impactful that is for a relationship and how honestly rewarded I felt for being able to help her and her husband have a better life and her enjoy that again because after kids, she just kind of helped felt stripped of normal life for her during sex.

Brian: Right. That’s amazing. What a great story.

Dr. Chad: Let me back off just a little bit. For our listeners that have this issue. The men that are listening and their wives have this issue. The women that are listening and they have this issue. They want this fixed. They’re going to go to their regular doctor and we kind of touched on a little bit before but tell me what’s going to happen.

Courtney:  Well, I can’t tell you. I’m not a regular doctor. What I’m hearing is, they are getting asked, “Are you depressed?” “How’s the relationship?” You want to get anti-depressant. There’s a couple talks that maybe prescribe in the addy now but the numbers of prescriptions written have been really low for that. I’m not sure if it’s an issue of it working or what the deal is there but what I’m hearing is that we’re not getting very many answers from providers about how we can fix it.

Brian: I would make the case to back up on your answer a little bit. I would make the case that not very many women are telling their health care providers that they have low sex drive.

Dr. Chad: You think they’re not going to their doctor to begin with for this issue.

Courtney:  That’s probably true. It’s probably 50/50.

Brian: Yes. I want to go back to I think the culture. Revolution is a culture of openness. If you go there, it’s a friendly place right? Courtney’s very friendly.

Dr. Chad: Yes.

Brian: On a serious side.

Dr. Chad: Doctor.

Brian: Serious right?

Courtney:  I’m not so sure about that.

Brian: We have to read all these credentials, which are all true. Which makes them seem kind of stuffy right? He is actually a very laid back guy.

Courtney:  This is very true.

Brian: Yes and I definitely think there is a culture of a person feeling like they can talk about these issues. I’m with Courtney I can imagine my own wife saying, “Hey, I have a low sex drive, let me just call the local physician and go on down there and talk to him about it.”

Courtney: Well, usually they’re coming in with a whole slew of them. That’s not just what’s going on. There’s way more to the story. They’re exhausted, they’re not sleeping, they’re having a hard time losing weight. You really think about it and even without looking at scientific lab numbers, the way a woman feels about her body and self-image all of that makes a huge difference to me.

There’s definitely some physiologic things that change and happen after having kids; hysterectomy, menopause all those things. A lot of women have that virginal dryness and it’s painful. Who wants to have sex if it’s painful?  Getting to the roots of those specific issues, as we kind of ask questions, it kind of comes out. A lot of them don’t come in with that being their main complaint, that kind of comes in after just to get through and then get a little bit comfortable and sometimes it’s one visit two or three that they say, “Hey I remember when you asked me about that? We might want to go back to that.”

Brian: Right.

Courtney: They want help.

Brian: Right. I think you even being open I think obviously Courtney’s a huge value to have at the clinic because-

Dr. Chad: There’s no question. She’s fantastic at hormones. I actually recommend when I think she’s coming to see the new patients or whatever, they’re at these issues. It’s not uncommon that the hormones are an issue. One of my first recommendations is you really should see Courtney for these. I mean this is kind of her passion. This is what she does. She’s been trained at A4M, which is the American Academy of Anti-Aging medicine.

For hormones, she’s met with some of the top physicians in the country if not the world. In reference to hormones, if I were a woman and had hormone issues, I would be going to Courtney. There’s no question.

Courtney:  Thank you so much.

Brian: This is exactly what I’m talking about. This is an Oprah moment. Do you feel loved Courtney?

Courtney:  I feel so loved.

Brian: You feel loved?

Courtney:  I feel so loved.  He’s totally right about — I just love helping women and just get their thing back. Get their groove back.

Brian: Get their groove back.

Courtney:  Get their energy and get all those things. The mojo.

Brian: Courtney tell us a little about when you — what spurred you to kind of be so passionate about this? Was there a moment?  It’s a version of The Oprah Show.

Courtney:  Probably honestly you know as I was starting my own practice getting out of school. I had trained Dr. Edwards and kind of seen a little bit of that adrenal fatigue, hormone therapy and that kind of thing. It just really intrigued me. As I started talking to more patients about these issues, the number one thing that people were coming in for functional medicine for was their fatigue and sex drive was always coming up.

I just started kind of taking notes in my mind of like, “Oh gosh, this is a need.” In Tulsa, in the nation, in the world like people need someone to talk to that they feel comfortable with about their issue and really get honest help. Once I started seeing success, people coming back and sending their friends and — I had one patient call me and they were like, “Hey, my friend came in to see you and they were really kind of upset because you didn’t offer Cuddle claim on the first visit.” I had to call the patient back-

Brian: I get the value now.

Courtney:  It’s just been amazing to be able to find ways to help women.

Brian: Obviously you’re a talented person-

Courtney:  One might say.

Brian: Yes. Dr. Edwards can say. Some about this guys that you believe in right?

Courtney: Absolutely. I mean I did a lot of my graduate school training with Chad. Learned what I know about functional center other than the foundation of it. Really inspired me and spurred me on to keep going, to keep learning and really make an impact on people.

Brian: That’s awesome. What a great story. See you see how the show went? You see what I did there Dr. Chad?  I brought her back around.

Dr. Chad: That’s good. I’m feeling some love here.

Brian: That’s good stuff? You feeling loved?

Dr. Chad: I am.

Brian: As I said, you need some hankies. You need some cuddle cream?

Dr. Chad: I think that might be okay.

Brian: Handkerchief.

Courtney:  He just got married.

Brian: Yes he did. You just got married. This is a great show for you. This is a great –you don’t want to talk about that right?

Dr. Chad: We’re talking about the problems.

Brian: Let me ask you, on that note Chad just got married. I imagine the first year of marriage. You know the old analogy in marriage where the-

Dr. Chad: The nickel in the box.

Brian: Yes. You fill up the nickel in the box and then after the first year of marriage, every time you have sex, you’ve got to take one out. Then the rest of your marriage, you’ll never take enough nickels out. The first year that-

Courtney:  Oh, that is terrible.

Dr. Chad: They’ll never be empty.

Brian: Yes.

Dr. Chad: Yes. You’ve never heard that?

Courtney:  I have actually never heard that.

Brian: Oh my goodness.

Courtney:  That kind of a sad analogy. We’re changing that in Tulsa. Just telling you.

Brian: Yes. She doesn’t like that story.[laughs]

Dr. Chad: Neither do I.

Courtney:  We going to get a hash tag on.

Brian: Hash tag.

Courtney:  Hash tag, stop faking Tulsa.

Brian: Yes so listen in on some action steps for people with some very serious-




Presenter: Today’s action steps.


Dr. Chad: For me from my perspective, my first thing is improve overall heath. Focus on what we call the healthy trinity; exercise, nutrition, sleep, rest, recovery from exercise those kinds of things. When we optimize those things we generally see most things improve.


Courtney: With time.


Dr. Chad: With time that’s correct.


Courtney: We can go faster [laughs].


Dr. Chad: That’s exactly right. We can intervene and Courtney does a fantastic job with this stuff and I’m always asking her on hormone stuff, I’m just like, “Hey Courtney what do you think about this?” Or sending them to her if the patient is willing to do so. She just got so many tricks up her sleeve so to speak that can help and can make a dramatic difference.


She mentioned one story and I hear stuff like that all the time from the impact that she has had with patience. If you’ve got low sex drive out there, you don’t have to. You don’t have to have that. It can improve your relationship; it can improve how you feel about yourself. It can improve your overall health I mean how many papers have we seen little things in men’s health, and women’s health in Cosmo and whatever about increasing sexual frequency, and increasing orgasms, and the impact of overall health and stress reduction and all of those kinds of thigs-


Courtney: Depression, Oxy source and release all of that?


Dr. Chad: Absolutely it’s a big deal, and I believe that, not to getting spiritual on it, but I believe that sex is a gift from God, and he intended that for our pleasure and we should be doing that.


Brian: Amen.


Dr. Chad: Not we but-


Brian: Amen brother Chad.


Courtney: Yes we got you we follow.


Dr. Chad: In the appropriate circumstances.


Brian: Courtney what do you think of this show? Do you like being on here?


Courtney: It was a lot of fun.


Brian: We need to have Courtney back.


Dr. Chad: I agree.


Brian: Smart girl, smatter than the rest of us.


Dr. Chad: Without question but there is also so much need for what she does.


Brian: Oh yes, we’ve in earlier shows and we’ve got to bounce but in earlier shows I encouraged people if you started with this podcast to go back and listen to some of the other podcasts where we talk about hormones, and I think there is a lot going on there that people are trying to get their arms around. This is a pretty honest place right, pineapple-


Courtney: Absolutely it’s pretty good stuff today.


Brian: Good stuff we’ll see you next time.


Dr. Chad: Thanks so much.


Courtney: Thank you.


Presenter: [music] Thanks for listening to this week’s podcast with Dr. Chad Edwards. Tune in next week where we’ll be going Against the Grain.


[End of Audio 00:32:39]