T3 – Reverse T3 Ratio Calculator

medic performing throat exam
October 24, 2023

T3 Reverse T3 Ratio Calculator

T3 Reverse T3 Ratio Calculator

Enter T3 Value (pg/mL):

Enter Reverse T3 Value (ng/dL):

Calculate Ratio

// Get DOM elements
const t3Input = document.getElementById('t3');
const reverseT3Input = document.getElementById('reverse-t3');
const calculateButton = document.getElementById('calculate-button');
const resultElement = document.getElementById('result');

// Add event listener to the button
calculateButton.addEventListener('click', calculateRatio);

// Function to calculate the T3 Reverse T3 ratio
function calculateRatio() {
// Get values from input fields
const t3Value = parseFloat(t3Input.value);
const reverseT3Value = parseFloat(reverseT3Input.value);

// Check if the input is valid
if (isNaN(t3Value) || isNaN(reverseT3Value)) {
resultElement.textContent = 'Please enter valid numeric values for T3 and Reverse T3.';

// Convert T3 value to ng/dL
const t3ValueInNgDL = t3Value / 10; // 1 pg/mL = 0.1 ng/dL

// Calculate the ratio
const ratio = t3ValueInNgDL / reverseT3Value;

// Display the result
resultElement.textContent = `T3 Reverse T3 Ratio: ${ratio.toFixed(2)}`;

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